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Coming up on the show

Coming up on the Edwin Black Show

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 999 |

This is our schedule for the next few months; links are to scheduled shows.

Special Event: Edwin Black in Orange County for Kristallnacht

Special Event: Edwin Black in Orange County for Kristallnacht

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 476 |

Edwin Black returns to Orange County with “IBM and the Holocaust: The Smoking-gun Documents” for Kristallnacht. Save the date.


S6 E23: Live from San Diego!

Live from San Diego!

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 23 |

Edwin and special guests come to you live from San Diego.

Special Event: An Evening with Edwin Black in San Diego

Special Event: An Evening with Edwin Black in San Diego

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 473 |

An evening briefing and Q&A with Edwin Black in San Diego.

Special Event: World Report Card for Empower U

Special Event: World Report Card for Empower U

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 450 |

Edwin visits Empower U to deliver a report card on the state of the world.

S6 E09: Live from the March of the Living 2025

Live from the March of the Living 2025

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 9 |

Edwin serves once again as the scholar-in-residence for the International March of the Living, which gathers thousands every year, including Edwin and his guests, to Auschwitz to commemorate the Shoah and life itself.

Special Events: March of the Living 2025 Scholar in Residence

Special Events: March of the Living 2025 Scholar in Residence

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 250 |

Edwin returns to the March of the Living as a scholar in residence.

S6 E07: The Vintage Boys for Passover 2025/5785

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Passover 2025/5785

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 7 |

The Vintage Boys—Ken Abramowitz, Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—join Edwin for Passover 2025/5785. There will be the usual reasoned deliberations on the best whiskies and wines for the observation of Passover plus cogent considerations of current events and history. Next year in Jerusalem!

We're off this week (March 13)

We’re off this week (Mar 13)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 242 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on Mar 13; the next show is Mar 20.


Special Event: USF Hillel Community Shabbat

Special Event: USF Hillel Community Shabbat

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 232 |

Join Edwin and your fellow students for an evening of questions, answers, support, and friendship.

S6 E05: Live from USF!

Live from USF!

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 5 |

Edwin and special guests including filmmaker Wendy Sachs, Suncoast Hillels Executive Director Sylvie Feinsmith, and, honoring General and President Eisenhower’s legacy, Merrill Eisenhower, come to you live from the University of South Florida - Tampa. 
Presented in association with USF Hillel.

Special Event: An Evening with Edwin Black for CFNS

Special Event: An Evening with Edwin Black for CFNS

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 230 |

CFNS welcomes Edwin to Boca Raton for a limited-capacity dinner briefing.

Special Event: Edwin Black on Gaza for EMET

Special Event: Edwin Black on Gaza for EMET

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 226 |

Edwin shares with EMET the historical realities and future options for Gaza and answers other tough questions on Jewish and Israeli history.

Info and registration:

Special Event: American Eugenics for MMT Mexico City

Special Event: American Eugenics for MMT Mexico City

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 225 |

Edwin lays out the connections between what began at Cold Spring Harbor and ended at Auschwitz. Based on his award-winning War Against the Weak.

We're off this week (Feb 27)

We’re off this week (February 27); next up: Live from USF

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 227 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on Feb 27; our next show will be "Live from USF" on Mar 6. While we're off, please check out the second in our series on the AI threat.

Special Event: Edwin and Francisco Take Worldwide Questions

Special Event: Edwin Black and Francisco Gil-White: Edwin and Francisco Take Worldwide Questions

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 220 |

Edwin and Francisco take questions from across the world on international law, antisemitism, Gaza, and genocide, and they take a penetrating look at the past, the present, and the perilous future.

Tickets and Info:

Live from Mexico City!

Live from Mexico City! February 2025

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 4 |

Join Edwin and Francisco Gil White plus Richard Cielak and Jonathan Nurko for a special edition of the show — live from Mexico City.

Special Event: Edwin Asks Questions of Francisco

Special Event: Edwin Black and Francisco Gil-White: Edwin Asks Questions of Francisco

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 210 |

Edwin Black questions Francisco Gil-White on international law, antisemitism, Gaza, and genocide, and they take a penetrating look at the past, the present, and the perilous future.

Special Event: Francisco Asks Questions of Edwin

Special Event: Edwin Black and Francisco Gil-White: Francisco Asks Questions of Edwin

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 215 |

Francisco Gil-White questions Edwin Black on international law, antisemitism, Gaza, and genocide, and they take a penetrating look at the past, the present, and the perilous future.

Special Events: Edwin Black and Francisco Gil-White in Mexico City

Special Events: Edwin Black and Francisco Gil-White in Mexico City

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 205 |

Edwin Black and Francisco Gil-White talk international law, antisemitism, Gaza, and genocide, and take a penetrating look at the past, the present, and the perilous future.

We're off this week (Feb 13)

We’re off this week (Feb 13); next up: Live from Mexico City

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 204 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on February 13; the next show is February 20, “Live from Mexico City.” While Edwin is in lecturing in Mexico and we’re off, please enjoy last year’s.

S6 E03: Second Holocaust

Second Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 3 |

Edwin, Yossie Hollander, Nathan Lewin, Matt Lebovic, and Alyza Lewin talk blunt truth about history repeating itself — and how to make sure it doesn’t. Plus, Edwin gives a Trump 2.0 update.

We're off this week (January 30)

We’re off this week (Jan 30)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 203 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on January 30; our next show, “Second Holocaust,” is February 6.


Special Event: International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025

Special Event: International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 202 |

On the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, we remember — but we also warn.

Hear Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, with International March of the Living president Phyllis Greenberg Heideman, and a moving, visualized musical selection: “Kaddish,” by Jerry Goldsmith. You'll be gripped and jolted into action.

S6 E02: Trump 2.0

Trump 2.0

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 2 |

What's next for the 47th president? Alex Traiman with a hostage report, Clare Lopez with a security update, and Miranda Devine on the strange imprisonment of Gal Luft.

We're off this week (Jan 16)

We’re off this week (January 16); next up: Trump 2.0

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 201 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on Jan 16; our next show will be "Trump 2.0" on Jan 23. While we're off, please check out our examination of what war might look like in the year 2033.

S6 E01: Kristallnacht 2.0 Part 5

Kristallnacht 2.0: Part V

Air Date: - Season 6 - Episode 1 |

Kristallnacht 2.0 may be postponed in the US — but Jews elsewhere around the world are facing a violent fate, and soon. Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander and eminent civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin join Edwin for the ongoing discussion that nobody wants to have (part one; part two; part three; part four). In addition, Phyllis Greenberg Heideman updates us on the March of the Living, coming up in April, and Richard Heideman updates us on ongoing legal activities.

We're off until Jan 9, 2025

Winter Holiday 2025 Greetings

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 196 |

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a healthy, happy, and safe winter holiday season. We’ll be back on January 9 with the next in our Kristallnacht 2.0 series.

S5 E26: Unanswered Questions XVII

Unanswered Questions XVII

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 26 |

In this year-end wrap-up episode, Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as the future of Israel, global antisemitism, automation and AI, corporate bad behavior, privacy, China, and more. Edwin also accepts new questions via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

We're off this week (Dec 12)

We’re off this week (Dec 12); next up: Unanswered Questions XVII

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 194 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on December 12; the next show (and the last show for 2024), on December 19, is Edwin’s year-end wrap-up Unanswered Questions. While we're away, please check out the Vintage Boys’ Rosh Hashanah from 2023/5874.

S5 E25: Updates from the Trenches, December 2024

Updates from the Trenches, December 2024

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 25 |

Edwin plus Sharon Polsky, Clare Lopez, and Richard Heideman give updates on, respectively, global perils, antisemitism in Canada, the China threat, and the latest in legal action.

Special Event: Edwin Black: What's Next?

Special Event: Edwin Black in Orange County

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 190 |

Edwin Black presents “What’s Next” for the Israeli-American Council and Newport Beach Chabad. In this talk, Edwin will explore pressing issues that shape today’s world, drawing on his extensive research and unique perspective.

Information and Registration.

Travel & Thanksgiving Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus until December 5

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 192 |

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a peaceful and abundant Thanksgiving. We’ll be back on December 5 with Travel Warriors II; in the meantime, please enjoy the first “Full Plate.”

Special Events: Leadership Briefings 2024 - Los Angeles

Special Events: Leadership Briefings 2024 - Los Angeles

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 180 |

Edwin provides briefings for Jewish communities and leaders in Los Angeles.

Special Event: Israel and International Law: San Diego

Special Event: Israel and International Law: San Diego

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 158 |

Edwin brings his compelling presentation on the historical underpinnings of international recognition of Israel to San Diego.

Pre-registration is required; the cost is $18+fees = $21.05. IDs will be checked at the door.

Please note: This event is organized pursuant to California Title 11, section 403, which covers deliberate disruption of a public meeting; plus section 415, which covers malicious disturbance of the peace; and section 182, which forbids any conspiracy to violate the other sections.

Special Event: The Farhud for the Massachusetts Antisemitism Synagogue Task Force

Special Event: The Farhud for the Massachusetts Antisemitism Synagogue Task Force

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 150 |

Edwin speaks on the history of the Farhud and the grim possibility of a similar pogrom in America.

We encourage our community to read The Farhud before the lecture to understand the history and be ready with questions.

Register for the Zoom here. - the book (with purchase links) - history of the event and of the official commemoration


After the Elections: What's Next

After the Elections: What's Next?

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 24 |

Edwin and the Ballot Boys—Josh Block and Juda Engelmayer—are back to shine a light on what we know—and what it means.

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Long Island Chai Series

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Long Island Chai Series

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 153 |

Online Jew hatred and precision fakery will be unimaginably multiplied. Understand the threats. Prepare.

Edwin Black is the award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of IBM and the Holocaust, The Farhud, Financing the Flames, and more.

Sponsored by Dix Hills JC, East Northport JC, Melville JC, North Shore JC, Temple Beth Chai of Hauppauge, Temple Beth David of Commack, Temple Beth El of Huntington, Temple Beth Shalom of Smithtown, and Temple Beth Torah of Melville.

We're off this week (November 7)

We’re off this week (November 7); next up: After the Election: What's Next

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 187 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on November 7; the next show, November 14, is the next (last?) in our election season series.


Special Event: National Security Briefing, Palm Beach

Special Event: National Security Briefing

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 182 |

Edwin Black presents a national security briefing eve of the 2024 federal elections.

S5 E23: 2024 Election Jitters Part 2

Election Jitters 2024 Part 2

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 23 |

Edwin and the Ballot Boys—Josh Block and Juda Engelmayer—plus Marc Zell wrap up their blunt election season examinations of what’s in store and what’s at stake ahead of November 5, US Election Day.

Hagim 2024 Hiatus

The show is on hiatus until October 31

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 180 |

The show is on hiatus in observance of Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. We’ll be back on October 31 with one more look at the state of the US elections. While we’re away, please enjoy the Vintage Boys’ 2023 Rosh Hashanah outing.

Special Event: National Affairs for EmpowerU

Special Event: National Affairs for EmpowerU

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 152 |

Edwin speaks on national affairs and their accompanying fears for EmpowerU.

Listen to the interview on Spotify or watch on Rumble.

Special Event: October 7: The Global Commemoration

Special Event: October 7: The Global Commemoration

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 22 |


Edwin and a host of leading voices worldwide commemorate the one-year anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks.

Special Event: October 7: The Global Commemoration

Special Event: October 7: The Global Commemoration

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 22 |

Edwin and a host of leading voices worldwide gather at the US House of Representatives to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks. Featuring Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon plus two dozen prominent speakers.

We're off this week (October 3)

We’re off this week (October 3); next up: The October 7 Commemoration

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 190 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on October 3; for our next show will be the global commemoration event on Monday, October 7.

The Vintage Boys for Rosh Hashanah 5785

The Vintage Boys for Rosh Hashanah 5785

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 21 |

The usual suspects—Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, Ken Abramowitz, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—are back to help Edwin look back at 5784 and forward to 5785 and the fraught US elections. Join us as we welcome the new year!

In addition, Marc Zell updates us on the Americans in Israel voting effort and Clare Lopez cuts through the fog of war in the Middle East.

We're off this week (June 6)

We’re off this week (Sep 19); next up: Vintage Boys High Holidays

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 172 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on September 19; the next show, September 26, sees the Vintage Boys toasting the (Jewish) New Year and delving into the upcoming US elections. While we’re away, please enjoy their 2021 High Holidays episode.

S5 E20: 2024 Election Jitters Part 1

Election Jitters 2024 Part 1

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 20 |

Edwin and the Ballot Boys—Josh Block and Juda Engelmayer—continue their incisive analysis of what’s ahead and what’s at stake in this contentious and consequential US election season. People on both sides view the other as existential threats. Where do we go from here?

In addition, Sharon Polsky reports on Canada, Marc Zell reports on voting from Israel, and Clare Lopez updates us on China.


9/11 Annversary, 2024

A Pause for 9/11

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 165 |

We remember where we were. We remember the people we lost.

Today, we pause for that remembrance.

Labor Day 2024 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Labor Day (Sep 5)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 160 |

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black join you in wishing a fond farewell to summer; we’ll be back on September 12 with more 2024 elections coverage.

While we’re raising a glass to the end of the season, please enjoy another look at The Full Plate.

We're off this week (August 29)

We’re off this week (August 29); next up: Election Jitters 1

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 153 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on August 29 or September 5; the next show, September 12, is the next in our election season series.


S5 E19: Destiny on the Ballot

Destiny on the Ballot

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 19 |

The Ballot Boys—Josh Block and Juda Engelmayer—join Edwin to kick off the show’s election season coverage. Join us for a blunt look at what’s ahead—and what’s at stake, with additional reporting from Sharon Polsky and Marc Zell.

We're off this week (August 15)

We’re off this week (August 15); next up: Destiny on the Ballot

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 146 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on August 15; for the next show, August 22, we kick off our election season coverage with Ballot Boys Josh Block and Juda Engelmayer. While we're away, please enjoy another look at Travel Warriors.

S5 E18: Bad Company

Bad Company

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 18 |

They’re some of the worst companies in America. The most criminal. The most exploitative. The most dangerous. The most incompetent. The most troubling. The most invasive. The list is long: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Truist, IBM, General Motors, Ford, and more.

They’re bad company. Edwin, joined by tech and privacy guru Sharon Polsky, pulls no punches and spares no culprits. In addition, we’ll have several special reports on escalating worldwide tensions.

Special Event: Edwin Black at the ICC Summer 2024 Student Event

Special Event: Edwin Black at the ICC Summer 2024 Student Event

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 150 |

Edwin Black presents lectures at the ICC’s Summer 2024 Student Event.

We're off this week (June 6)

We’re off this week (August 1); next up: Bad Company

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 168 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on August 1; the next show, August 8, will look at corporate bad behavior. While we’re off, please enjoy another look at The Full Plate.

S5 E17: Canada Crumbling

Canada Crumbling

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 17 |

Americans have long thought of Canada as a haven of freedom and democracy, but the utopia to the north is gone. Is Canada descending into “post-national” intolerance, authoritarianism, and uber-control? Canadian Jews and many others are pondering emigration as Canada crumbles. Astute Canadian observers Sharon Polsky, Tom Korski, and Rob Anders join Edwin. In addition, Juda Engelmayer, Zalmi Unsdorfer, and Ken Abramowitz get us started on the tempestuous US election season.

We're off this week (May 23)

We’re off this week (July 18); next up: Canada Crumbling

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 144 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on July 18; the next show, July 25, is our look at what’s happening in Canada, with keen observer and privacy expert Sharon Polsky. In the meantime, please have another look at our attempt to answer the question: “Who Are We?


S5 E16: Unanswered Questions XVI

Unanswered Questions XVI

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 16 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as the Israel-Hamas War, global antisemitism, automation and AI, corporate bad behavior, privacy, China, electoral chaos, and more. Edwin also accepts new questions via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session, with Talia Carner, Daniel Pipes, Sharon Polsky, and Zalmi Unsdorfer providing additional reporting.

Indendence Day 2024 Hiatus

Happy Independence Day 2024!

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 144 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on the 4th of July; the next show, July 11, is our next round of answering unanswered questions. Please enjoy an encore of America the Great—or the Awful along with your Independence Day celebrations.

S5 E15: Vintage Boys 4th of July

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Independence Day 2024

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 15 |

Get ready: the Vintage Boys—Ken Abramowitz, Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—are back to help Edwin observe the Fourth of July. We’ll be talking serious election selection and without deflection. As well, our favorite whiskeys, wines, and other libations will be on display. BYOB, and don’t miss it.

To Love of America, Love of Israel, and Love of Fine Fluid.

We're off this week (June 20)

We’re off this week (June 20); next up: Vintage Boys 4th of July

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 143 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on June 20; for the next show, June 27, we welcome the Vintage Boys back for Independence Day. In the meantime, please enjoy another look at last year's Vintage Boys 4th of July.

S5 E14: Central Control Part 2

Central Control Part 2

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 14 |

It‘s the ultimate threat to our freedoms. Policy analyst Josh Block and computer forensics expert Bob Zeidman join Edwin for another look at the hazards. (See Part 1.)

In addition, four pro-Israel authors describe the “climate of fear” and censorship related to Zionism at the Authors Guild, and ethics analyst Faye Lincoln assesses the situation.

We're off this week (June 6)

We’re off this week (June 6); next up: Central Control Part 2

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 165 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on June 6; the next show, June 13, is another examination of  the hazards posed by Central Control, with Bob Zeidman and Josh Block. While we're off, please have another look at “Bold Authors.”

S5 E13: International Farhud Remembrance Day 2024

International Farhud Remembrance Day 2024

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 13 |

For International Farhud Remembrance Day, we ask: Is it coming to America? Are anti-Jewish arson, murder, and riots coming—this summer? We commemorate the horrific Arab-Nazi pogrom inflicted on the Jewish citizens of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities on June 1–2,1941—The Farhud. This violent dispossession was the beginning of the Nazi-style process of persecution and exclusion that would conclude with the expulsion of the Jews and the end of the 2,700-year-old Iraqi Jewish community. Yossie Hollander, Rabbi Elie Abadie, Sheldon Freilich, and Juda Engelmayer join Edwin to ask whether and when—and where—the next murderous riot might come to America.

We're off this week (May 23)

We’re off this week (May 23); next up: International Farhud Day

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 142 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on May 23; the next show, May 30, is our observance of International Farhud Day. In the meantime, please have another look our 2021 Farhud Day show, when Edwin and his guests, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Lyn Julius, Rabbi Elie Abadie, and Zalmi Unsdorfer, pondered where and when such an event might happen again.

S5 E12: Live from Tel Aviv

Live from Tel Aviv

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 12 |

Israel is in a fight for its existence on numerous fronts, from Gaza to the Oval Office. Edwin talks to key personalities, including Ken Abramowitz, Avi Bell, Ruthie Blum, Liad Diamond, Efraim Roseman, Alex Traiman, and Dor Weiss, and answers the tough questions live from the Tel Aviv Hilton Vista.

Special Events: Strategic Leadership Briefings, Israel

Special Events: Strategic Leadership Briefings, Israel

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 160 |

Edwin presents strategic briefings for leadership in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Special Event: Briefing for the Jewish Community, Łódź

Special Event: Briefing for the Jewish Community, Łódź

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 142 |

Edwin Black presents a briefing for the Jewish community.

We're off this week (May 9)

We’re off this week (May 9); next up: Live from Tel Aviv

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on May 9; the next show, March 16, is Live from Tel Aviv. In the meantime, please have another look at the second in our AI Threat series.

Special Event: Q&A for the University of Łódź Department of Journalism

Special Event: Q&A for the University of Łódź Department of Journalism

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 142 |

Edwin Black presents Journalism under Tension: a Q&A session for the University of Łódź Department of Journalism. (University flyer)

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for the Institute for Civil Affairs, Łódź

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for the Institute for Civil Affairs, Łódź

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 150 |

Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust in Poland for the Institute of Civil Affairs, Łódź.

Special Event: Edwin Black for the International Delegation of Law Enforcement Leaders

Special Event: Edwin Black for the International Delegation of Law Enforcement Leadership

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 150 |

Edwin Black’s presentation for law enforcement leaders.

Special Event: Edwin Black for the International Delegation of University Presidents

Special Event: Edwin Black for the International Delegation of University Presidents

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 150 |

Edwin Black’s presentation for university presidents.

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for the Interfaith Delegation

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for the Interfaith Delegation

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 150 |

Edwin Black documents how IBM organized the Holocaust in Poland for the Interfaith Delegation.

Special Event: America’s Role in the Holocaust for the Next-Gen Delgation

Special Event: America’s Role in the Holocaust for the Next-Gen Delgation

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 155 |

Edwin lays out America’s involvement in the Holocaust, from corporate complicity to the documentation of liberated camps.

Special Events: Auschwitz March of the Living and Scholar-in-Residence

Special Events: Auschwitz March of the Living and Scholar-in-Residence

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

Edwin visits Auschwitz, Łódź, Kraków, and Warsaw to participate in the March of the Living and to present a Scholar-in-Residence series.

S5 E11: Live from the March of the Living

Live from the March of the Living, Auschwitz

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 11 |

Edwin serves as the scholar-in-residence for the International March of the Living, which gathers thousands every year to Auschwitz to commemorate the Shoah and life itself. Join Edwin and his guests, including Phyllis Heideman, Alex Traiman, Michal Cotler-Wunsch, Jacob Shoshan, Richard Heideman, and Monise Neumann, live from the March of the Living in Auschwitz, starting in Warsaw and Budapest, then Kraków, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Łódź, Tel Aviv, and finally Jerusalem, as they remember the Holocaust, celebrate life, and ponder the next.

Passover 2024/5784 Hiatus

We’re off for Passover; next up: Live from the March of the Living

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

Chag Pesach Sameach! from Carol, Edwin, and Team Black. There's no Edwin Black Show on April 25; the next show, May 2, comes to you live from the March of the Living, where Edwin will be presenting a multi-event scholar in residence series at Auschwitz, and in Kraków, Warsaw, and Łódź. In the meantime, please have another look at the very first Vintage Boys Passover.

S5 E10: The Vintage Boys for Passover 2024/5784

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Passover 2024/5784

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 10 |

The highly-opinionated Vintage Boys—Ken Abramowitz, Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—join Edwin for Passover 2024/5784. There will be the usual reasoned deliberations on the best whiskies and wines for the observation of Passover during wartime, plus cogent considerations of current events and history. Next year in Jerusalem!

We're off this week (April 11)

We’re off this week (April 11); next up: Vintage Boys for Passover

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 142 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on April 11; the next show, April 18, is Vintage Boys for Passover. In the meantime, please have another look at July 2023’s optimistic Live from Jerusalem.

Special Events: Edwin Black at the Hillcrest Jewish Center

Special Event: Edwin Black at the Hillcrest Jewish Center

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 133 |

Edwin Black visits the Hillcrest Jewish Center to tell the riveting story of his road to history.

S5 E09: Kristallnacht 2.0 Part IV

Kristallnacht 2.0: Part IV

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 9 |

No one dismisses the odious prediction anymore. The dispossession of Jews in America is now lurking right around the corner—chronologically and geographically. If it happens, this is how it will happen; Edwin outlines the potential process step by step.

Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander and eminent civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin join Edwin for part four of the discussion that nobody ever wanted to have (part one; part two; part three). In addition, Juda Engelmayer reports on the massive local Jewish response to a pro-Palestinian agitation rally in front of a Teaneck, NJ, synagogue.

We're off this week (March 28)

We’re off this week (March 28); next up: Kristallnacht 2.0 Part 4

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 141 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on March 28; the next show, April 4, is Kristallnacht 2.0 Part 4. In the meantime, please have another look at the second in our AI Threat series.

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Berman Center

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Berman Center

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 143 |

Online Jew hatred and precision fakery will be unimaginably multiplied. Understand the threats. Prepare.

Edwin Black is the award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of IBM and the Holocaust, The Farhud, Financing the Flames, and more.

Contact the Sandra R. Berman Center for Humanity, Tolerance & Holocaust Education for additional information.

S5 E08: The China Threat Part 4

The China Threat Part IV

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 8 |

China now rises even more threateningly as America’s greatest geopolitical rival, promising to dominate the world within a decade. Security experts see a strange and sudden surge of more than 36,000 illegal entrants at the southern border, the acquisition of vast tracts of American farmland, close coordination with drug cartels, the proliferation of illegal “police stations” on US soil, and loud daily promises to invade Taiwan. Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block and artist and activist Weiming Chen join Edwin for an update on the China Threat (Part I; Part II; Part III), plus Carolyn Glick updates us on WWJ.

We're off this week (March 14)

We’re off this week (March 14); next up: The China Threat Part 4

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

There's no Edwin Black Show on March 14; the next show, March 21, is another examination of The China Threat. In the meantime, please have another look at the first in our AI Threat series.

Special Event: Student-Faculty Briefing for Wheeling Park High School

Special Event: Student-Faculty Briefing for Wheeling Park High School

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

Edwin Black answers student and faculty questions about challenging issues.

Special Event: Israel and International Law for WV, OH, PA

Special Event: Israel and International Law for WV, OH, PA

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

Edwin Black discusses Israel and lays out its underpinnings in international law in this riveting lecture.

Supported by surrounding communities in Wheeling, the Northern Panhandle of WV, and Eastern Ohio.

If you're planning to attend, please email

Special Event: Leadership Briefing for WV, OH, Pgh

Special Event: Leadership Briefing for WV, OH, PA

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 140 |

Edwin Black presents an invite-only briefing for leadership.

RSVP via email to

Supported by surrounding communities in Wheeling, the Northern Panhandle of WV, and Eastern Ohio.

S5 E07: Unanswered Questions XV

Unanswered Questions XV

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 7 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as antisemitism, the Israel-Hamas War, automation and AI, corporate bad behavior, privacy, and more. Edwin also accepts new questions via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Gross Center of NJ

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Gross Center of NJ

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 123 |

Online Jew hatred and precision fakery will be unimaginably multiplied. Understand the threats. Prepare.

(Via Zoom.)

February 29 Hiatus

We're on hiatus on Feb 29; next show: Unanswered Qs XV

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 145 |

The show is on hiatus this week. While we're away, please have another look at our episode spotlighting four bold authors and their works.

Special Event: Mexico City Leadership Dinner and Briefing

Special Event: Mexico City 2024 Leadership Dinner and Briefing

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 142 |

Yad Vashem Mexico hosts Edwin Black for a VIP dinner and leadership briefing.

S5 E06: Live from Mexico City!

Live from Mexico City!

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 6 |

Historian Francisco Gil-White joins Edwin for a special edition of the show—live from Mexico City.

IBM and the Holocaust for Colegio Maguen David

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for Colegio Maguen David

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 120 |

Edwin Black lays out the evidence for IBM's complicity in the Holocaust and connects the dots to today.

Edwin Black expone las pruebas de la complicidad de IBM en el Holocausto y conecta los puntos con la actualidad.

TA for Monte Sinai

Special Event: The Boycott That Scared Hitler for Comunidad Monte Sinai

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 120 |

Edwin Black presents “The Boycott That Scared Hitler,” based on his award winning The Transfer Agreement.

Edwin Black presenta “El Boicot que Asustó a Hitler,” basado en su El Acuerdo de Transferencia.

Special Event: Israel and International Law for Museum of Memory and Tolerance

Special Event: Israel and International Law for Museum of Memory and Tolerance

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 130 |

Edwin Black discusses Israel and lays out its underpinnings in international law in this riveting lecture.

Edwin Black habla sobre Israel y sus fundamentos en el derecho internacional.

Special Events: Mexico City 2024 Scholar-in-Residence

Special Events: Mexico City 2024 Scholar-in-Residence

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 120 |

Edwin visits Mexico City for a Scholar-in-Residence series plus a special edition of the show.

February 15 Hiatus

We're on hiatus on Feb 15; next show: Live from Mexico City

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 120 |

The show is on hiatus this week as Edwin heads to Mexico City for his Scholar-in-Residence, which includes a live show on the 22nd. While we're away, please have another look at our examination of Woodrow Wilson.

The Year 2033: Warfare

The Year 2033: Warfare

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 5 |

Within a decade, wars will be the province of robots, autonomous machines, and AI, in deadly and Earth-altering battles. What's in store in this Brave Grave New World? Jonathan Ruhe, the Jewish Institute for National Security of America’s director of foreign policy, joins Edwin.

In addition, Zalmi Unsdorfer, chair of Likud-UK, will give us an update on London and Richard Heideman will discuss a forthcoming lawsuit arising out of the October 7 massacre.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024/5784

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 100 |

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“Never Again” is Now.

(Photo is of the Berlin Holocaust Memorial.)

S5 E04: Central Control

Central Control

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 4 |

It is the ultimate threat to our freedoms. Who or what will decide where we go, what we buy, and what activities we will be allowed to do? Such a system already rules in China and is fast approaching American shores. Policy analyst Josh Block and computer forensics expert Bob Zeidman join Edwin.

S5 E03: Destroyed Cities

Destroyed Cities

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 3 |

Many of America’s prized cities are in rapid social, economic, and infrastructure decline, reversing a century of rapid growth as they become unlivable. Which cities are failing? How soon? What will it mean? And who will control what’s left? Edwin pulls back the curtain on a frightening reality.

S5 E02: The Full Plate

The Full Plate

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 2 |

Travel Warriors Josh Block and Juda Engelmayer join Edwin with reports, reviews, and recommendations for their favorite restaurants, at home and around the world.

Special Event: Welcome Back to Campus Shabbat at USF Hillel

Special Event: Welcome Back to Campus Shabbat at USF Hillel

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 117 |

Edwin and special guest Ken Abramowitz join USF Hillel for their Welcome-Back-to-Campus Shabbat, to include an insider briefing for students on Israel, the Hamas War, International Law, and Antisemitism.

January 11 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Jan 11)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 99 |

The show is on hiatus this week as Edwin has several events in Florida. We’ll be back on January 18.

While we’re away, please enjoy this encore presentation of the very first Vintage Boys New Year’s Eve show.

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 110 |

Online Jew hatred and precision fakery will be unimaginably multiplied. Understand the threats. Prepare.

Contact the Gross Family Center for tickets and additional information.

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Boca Raton Synagogue

Special Event: AI and Automated Antisemitism for the Boca Raton Synagogue

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 105 |

Online Jew hatred and precision fakery will be unimaginably multiplied. Understand the threats. Prepare.

Contact the Gross Family Center for tickets and additional information.

Special Event: Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust for the Gross Family Center

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for the Gross Family Center

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 100 |

Edwin Black brings the smoking-gun documents showing that IBM was a fully cooperating and enabling partner of the Third Reich in all six stages of the Holocaust—and connects the dots to the current worldwide upswell of antisemitism.

Tickets are available from the Gross Family Center; attendance is strictly limited to 500.

Audience at FAU

Special Event: Past, Present, Future Tour, Jan 2024

Special Events: Past, Present, Future Tour

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 100 |

Riveting events at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton Synagogue, Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens, and USF Hillel.

Sponsored by The Gross Family Center and Save the West.

S5 E01: World War J Part 3

World War J Part 3

Air Date: - Season 5 - Episode 1 |

What’s next in our unwelcome World War J? More irrational ceasefire demands. Additional war fronts soon to explode. More frequent and more violent episodes of Jew hatred and discrimination—and Jews fighting back. Mideast security analyst David Wurmser joins Edwin.

S4 E41: Vintage Boys, New Year's Eve 2023

The Vintage Boys are Back for New Year's Eve 2023

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 41 |

Our outspoken wine and whiskey lovers—Vintage Boys Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, Shel Freilich, Zalmi Unsdorfer, and Ken Abramowitz—are back to help Edwin welcome in 2024 with a special War Edition. They will hold nothing back as the turbulent year 2023 concludes and the challenging year 2024 emerges, with their best bottles in hand. Raise a glass with us as we bring in the new year.

S4 E40: Unanswered Questions XIV

Unanswered Questions XIV

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 40 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as the Israel-Hamas War, antisemitism, corporate misdeeds, automation and AI, privacy, inequity, and more. Edwin also accepts new questions via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

S4 E39: World War J Part 2

World War J Part 2

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 39 |

Israel’s existential war with Hamas continues—and assaults on Jews around the world worsen. What happens next in World War J?

Special Event: Launch of the Third Edition of The Multifront War

Special Event: Launch of the Third Edition of The Multifront War

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 98 |

The Edwin Black Show presents:
The Multifront War Against Israel and the West:
The launch of the third edition of Kenneth Abramowitz’s The Multifront War.

Joining us: UAE Rabbi Elie Abadie, Pastor Dumisani Washington, CEO of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, former US Rep. Trent Franks, Endowment for Middle East Truth President Sarah Stern, and Privacy and Access Council of Canada President Sharon Polsky; hosted by Edwin Black.

11 am • December 11, 2023
Rayburn House Office Building Rm. 2043
Washington, DC RSVP is required; see the invitation.-->

S4 E38: World War J

World War J

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 38 |

Israel is in an existential war, and that war is spreading across the Middle East. Jewish people are under attack everywhere, from San Francisco to London to Rome—in their communities and on campuses. World War J is upon us.

S4 E37: Yom HaGirush 2023: Where Next?

Yom HaGirush 2023: Where Next?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 37 |

After the establishment of Israel, Arab nations stripped their Jewish citizens of their property, funds, and citizenship, and expelled them. Will this happen next in Dagestan? Moscow? New York City?

Rabbi Elie Abadie and ZOA-MI President Sheldon Freilich join Edwin for another look at the horrid possibilities, Rabbi Manes Kogan provides additional reporting, and Nathan Lewin updates us on the lawsuit recently filed by the Brandeis Center against UC Berkeley.

Where is the justice for Jews expelled from Iraq and other Arab lands?
Where is their right of return?
Where is their restitution?


Thanksgiving 2023 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving (Nov 23)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 97 |

We're on hiatus for Thanksgiving. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone blessings and abundance on this day set aside for giving thanks.

We'll be back on November 30 with our annual observation of Yom HaGirush. While we're away, please contemplate last year's observation.

S4 E36: AI Threat III: War

The AI Threat Part III: War

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 36 |

AI is already reshaping how wars are fought. Foreign policy analyst Josh Block joins Edwin for an urgent look at the military impact of AI. How bad can it get?

Rabbi Elie Abadie, Juda Engelmayer, David Suissa, and Zalmi Unsdorfer provide additional reporting.

S4 E35: World War I—Why?

World War I—Why?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 35 |

The Great War that changed the world forever. 8 million dead, 21 million wounded, 2 million missing in action, $180 billion spent—and no one knows why. But it seeded one more world war … and possibly two. Historians Chris Lovett and Sam Edelman join Edwin, with Juda Engelmayer and Zalmi Unsdorfer providing antisemitism and Hamas War reporting.

Special Events: Leadership Briefings, Los Angeles

Special Events: Leadership Briefings, Los Angeles

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 97 |

Edwin visits Los Angeles for briefings for leadership, November 7–15. By invitation only.

S4 E34: Kristallnacht 2.0 Part III

Kristallnacht 2.0: Part III

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 34 |

Jewish people across the world have long wondered when and where the next Kishinev, Kristallnacht, or Farhud would occur. The answer (as we correctly speculated during our June 2023 Farhud Remembrance show) was Israel. It happened on October 7, 2023, as Israelis were wrapping up their Sukkot celebrations. Some 2,000 Hamas fighters attacked, killing and raping innocent civilians, kidnapping grandmothers and children, and live-streaming their barbarous acts. Violent pro-Palestinian—and outright pro-Hamas—demonstrations have erupted everywhere, from campuses to streets. Jews across America are beginning to ask the unthinkable question and ponder the unthinkable prospect: can it happen again—this time in America?

Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander, eminent civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin, and crusading Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin join Edwin for part three of the discussion that nobody ever wanted to have (part one; part two), with special reports by Alan Dershowitz and Juda Engelmayer.

Special Event: Solidarity Shabbat at USF Hillel

Special Event: Solidarity Shabbat at USF Hillel

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 96 |

USF Hillel welcomes Edwin for a Solidarity Shabbat, at which he will answer any and all questions about Israel.

Special Event: Israel and International Law for USF Faculty

Special Event: Israel and International Law for USF Faculty

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 97 |

Edwin presents his lecture on the historical underpinnings of Israel and International Law for USF facult

Special Event: Israel Update for USF Faculty

Special Event: Israel Update for USF Faculty

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 96 |

Edwin presents a lunchtime briefing to USF faculty on the Israel-Hamas War.

Special Events: Edwin at USF, October 2023

Special Events: Edwin at USF, October 2023

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 93 |

Edwin visits USF for 3 compelling events: a faculty briefing on the Israel-Hamas War; a faculty lecture on Israel and International Law, and, in the evening, a Solidarity Shabbat at USF Hillel.

Special Event: American Eugenics for SMU Embrey

Special Event: American Eugenics for SMU Embrey

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 90 |

Edwin Black carefully lays out the connections from Cold Spring Harbor to Auschwitz for Southern Methodist University’s Embrey Center for Human Rights, one of America’s premier training grounds for human rights leaders.

Special Event: Israel and International Law for SMU Embrey

Special Event: Israel and International Law for SMU Embrey

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 88 |

Edwin lays out the history of Israel and its intersection with international law.

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Oct 26)

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Oct 26)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 91 |

The show is on hiatus this week because Edwin is lecturing at SMU and USF. We’ll be back on November 2 with another informative and insightful edition of the show. While we’re away, please take another look at “Is a Two-State Solution Dead?S2 E45.

Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust for the SMU Jewish Studies Program

Special Event: Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust for SMU

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 88 |

Edwin Black lays out the details of how IBM willingly cooperated with the Nazis in all phases of the Holocaust for the Jewish Studies Program. Based on his bestseller IBM and the Holocaust.

Special Event: Leadership Briefing on the Israel-Hamas War for SWJC

Special Event: Leadership Briefing on the Israel-Hamas War for SWJC

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 88 |

Edwin presents a briefing for SWJC and community leadership on the Israel-Hamas War.

Special Event: SMU 2023 Scholar-in-Residence

Special Event: SMU 2023 Scholar-in-Residence

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 88 |

SMU Embrey, StandWithUs, and the SWJC present an Edwin Black Scholar-in-Residence Program featuring riveting lectures and a leadership briefing.

S4 E33: Israel's 9/11: Gaza

Israel's 9/11: Gaza—Innocent Civilians or Complicit Population?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 33 |

On October 7, some 2,000 Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. Atrocities ensued against innocent civilian children, women, and men. Scores were abducted into Gaza.

Israel has promised to utterly destroy Hamas and its infrastructure with an “unprecedented response.”

Are residents of Gaza innocent civilians? Or are they complicit in Hamas’s acts of barbarity?

Foreign policy analyst Josh Block and international legal expert Avi Bell join Edwin; Rachel Ehrenfeld, Juda Engelmayer, Francisco Gil-White, Walid Phares, Sharon Polsky, and Zalmi Unsdorfer provide additional reports from around the world.

S4 E32: Swords of Iron Unleashed in Response to Hamas Sneak Attack

Israel's 9/11: The Jewish State Fights Back; Swords of Iron Unleashed

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 32 |

On October 7, 1,000 Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. Atrocities ensued against innocent civilian men, women, and children. Scores were abducted into Gaza. Israel has declared war and promised to utterly destroy Hamas and its infrastructure with an “unprecedented response.”

Yossie Hollander, Nathan Lewin, and Alex Traiman join Edwin, with additional reports from John Hajjar, Walid Phares, Marina Rosenberg, and Dor Weiss.

S4 E31: The China Threat III

The China Threat Part III

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 31 |

Spyware in apps and hardware, dark money in politics, policing stations on our territory, intellectual property theft as standard operating policy, subtle—and not so subtle—military threats.

A proclaimed goal to dominate the world by 2035.

What’s happening and how soon? Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block joins Edwin.

Before we get to the main topic, Avi Bell joins us to give an update on the Israeli judicial reform process.

Special Event: American Eugenics for Empower U

Special Event: American Eugenics for Empower U

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 86 |

War Against the Weak: American Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz. Edwin Black brings the history and the documents showing the development of eugenics in America and Germany.
Brought to you by Empower U.

S4 E30: Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 30 |

Is there a designer? Are we merely the result of random molecular encounters over cosmic time? Are we “the universe seeking to understand itself?”

What are we? Who are we?

Yom Kippur 2023/5784 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Yom Kippur 2023/5784

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 84 |

We are on hiatus in observance of Yom Kippur.

G’mar Hatimah Tova!
May you be sealed in the Book of Life!
May you have a meaningful fast

We’ll be back on September 28 with another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

S2 E29: Vintage Boys for Rosh Hashanah 5784

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Rosh Hashanah 5784

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 29 |

The usual suspects—Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Ken Abramowitz, Jeff Morgan, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—are back to help Edwin look back at 5783 and forward to 5784. They’ll be advocating for their favorite libations while exploring current events and ancient history. Join us as we welcome the new year!

Remembering 9/11

On 9/11, A Pause for Remembrance

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 82 |

We remember where we were.

We remember the people.

We pause for a moment and we remember.

S4 E28: Unanswered Questions XIII

Unanswered Questions XIII

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 28 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as antisemitism, automation and AI, energy, eugenics, privacy, and more. Edwin also accepts new questions via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

Labor Day 2023 hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Labor Day (Aug 31)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 80 |

The show is on hiatus for Labor Day. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black join you in wishing a fond farewell to summer; we’ll be back on September 7 with another round of Edwin answering unanswered questions.

While we’re away, please revisit “The Arab Slave Trade,” S3 E27.

S4 E27: Immigration Crisis

Immigration Crisis

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 27 |

From national necessity to national nightmare, immigration has been a source of American conflict for 150 years. Can we fix it?

Historian Sam Edelman joins Edwin; before we address our main topic, Saudi expert Harold Rhode joins us to give an update on the possibilities of normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

S4 E26: Climate Change vs Climate Policy

Climate Change vs. Climate Policy

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 26 |

New storms, new norms, and new forms for the planet and humanity.

S4 E25: The AI Threat Part II

The AI Threat Part II

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 25 |

AI developers—who admit they don't understand how their creations work—have already disregarded most precautions that would make the process and products safer. Many legislators are ill-equipped to craft effective regulations—or even to understand the risks and requirements.

Privacy expert Sharon Polsky joins Edwin for an up-to-date, sobering look.

Special Event: Edwin Black on Israel and International Law: The Historical Underpinnings—IoCC

Special Event: Israel and International Law—The Historical Underpinnings

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 76 |

Edwin Black traces the historical underpinnings of Israel and International Law, a deep dive that will completely reshape and revitalize one's understanding of Israel, the Mideast, the Arab-Israel conflict, and how international law does or does not intersect. This one presentation will change everything, and empower everyone who cares about Israel.

S4 E24: Israeli Judicial Reform

Israeli Judicial Reform

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 24 |

Judicial reform is tearing Israel apart—to the point of possible civil war. Outside forces and media are continuously stoking the flames.

Legal experts Avi Bell, Alan Dershowitz, and Nathan Lewin plus history scholar Sam Edelman join Edwin to uncover the facts and spell out exactly what's at stake.

July 27 Travel Hiatus -- an El Al plane against a blue sky with puffy white clouds

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Jul 27)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 73 |

The show is on hiatus this week because Edwin and Carol are leaving returning on a jet plane.

We’ll be back on August 3 with an in-depth examination of the crisis surrounding Israel’s judicial reform. While we’re away, please take another look at “The Uyghur Genocide—The World Is Not Watching,” S2 E18.

S4 E23: Live from Jerusalem

Live from Jerusalem!

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 23 |

Join Edwin, JNS Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin, international jurist Avi Bell, and Mideast scholar Harold Rhode for insider insights into Israel—live from the presidential suite of the Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem.

Special Event: Ken on Threats, Tel Aviv Edition

Special Event: Ken on Threats, Tel Aviv Edition

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 64 |

Ken Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War, articulates the dire threats facing Israel in a special edition of the show recorded in Tel Aviv.

Special Event: Tel Aviv Leadership Briefings, 18 Jul 2023

Special Event: Jewish Leadership Briefings, Tel Aviv

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 70 |

Edwin presents briefings for Jewish leadership, Tel Aviv.  By invitation only

S4 E22: Unanswered Questions XII

Unanswered Questions XII

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 22 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as current affairs, history, automation and AI, energy, eugenics, antisemitism, and more. He will also be accepting new questions via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

Independence Day 2023 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Jul 6)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 62 |

The show is on hiatus for Independence Day; we'll be back on July 13th. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.

While we're away, please check out “How Free is Free Speech?” S3 E17.

S4 E21: Vintage Boys for 4th of July

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Independence Day 2023

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 21 |

The Vintage Boys—Ken Abramowitz, Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—are back to help Edwin observe the Fourth of July. Join us as we toast the 247th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, accompanied by the usual reasoned discussions of current events, history, and the most appropriate libations for the occasion.

S4 E20: Bold Authors

Bold Authors

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 20 |

Edwin spotlights four bold works along with their authors: Rachel Ehrenfeld’s The Soros Agenda; Charles Jacobs’s and Avi Goldwasser’s Betrayal; Wayne Johnson’s The Witch Tree; and Max Wallace’s After The Miracle.

S4 E19: The Fall of the American Empire?

The Fall of the American Empire?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 19 |

Is this the generation that will witness the end of the grand experiment in government of, for, and by the people … and the disappearance of America from the world stage? Geopolitical observer Yossie Hollander, ethics analyst Faye Lincoln, and historian Chris Lovett join Edwin.

S4 E18: Travel Warriors

Travel Warriors

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 18 |

Tested road warriors Josh Block, Juda Engelmayer, and Sharon Polsky join Edwin to converse and commiserate about the best hotels, airlines, and restaurants around the world.

Hold those reservations.

Special Event: Edwin Black on Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz for JHU Bioethics

Special Event: Edwin Black on Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz for JHU Bioethics

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 60 |

Edwin Black returns to JHU to present “American Eugenics: From Long Island to Auschwitz,” based on his award-winning War Against the Weak. By academic invitation only for the Biotechnology Department’s Bioethics Course, part of the Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Program.

S4 E17: Farhud Remembrance Day 2023

International Farhud Day 2023—Where Next?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 17 |

On this day, we remember the horrific Arab-Nazi pogrom inflicted on the Jewish citizens of Baghdad on June 1–2, 1941—The Farhud.

This violent dispossession was the beginning of the Nazi-style process of persecution and exclusion that would conclude with the expulsion of Iraqi Jews and the end of the 2,700-year-old Iraqi Jewish community. Rabbi Elie Abadie, senior rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates, and Middle East scholar Mordechai Kedar join Edwin to explore whether this can happen again—and the two most likely places.

[Ed. note: We asked the question: Where next? Our prediction of “Israel” proved to be tragically accurate when, on October 7, 2023, at the end of Sukkot, Hamas massacred some 1,400 individuals in Israel.]

The annual commemoration, observed worldwide, was inaugurated by author Edwin Black and proclaimed on June 1, 2015, at United Nations Headquarters in a globally live-streamed event.

Special Event: Edwin Black on The Farhud for Congregation Kol Ami

Special Event: Edwin Black on The Farhud for Congregation Kol Ami

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 59 |

On this day—on Shavuot—we remember the horrific Arab-Nazi pogrom inflicted on the Jewish citizens of Baghdad, June 1–2, 1941: The Farhud. This violent dispossession was the beginning of the Nazi-style process of exclusion and dispossession that would conclude with the public expulsion of Iraqi Jews and the end of the 2,700-year-old Iraqi Jewish community.

Join Edwin Black, author of The Farhud and originator of International Farhud Day, as he asks: can it happen again?

Shavuot 2023 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Shavuot (May 25)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 56 |

Happy Shavuot from Edwin, Carol, and Team Black. The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week.

We'll be back on June 1 for our observance of International Farhud Day. While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UN Lie of Israeli Apartheid."

SLC Leadership 5-23-23

Special Event: Jewish Leadership Briefings, Salt Lake City

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 55 |

Edwin presents briefings for Jewish leadership, Salt Lake City.  By invitation only

Special Event: Edwin Black on IBM for Congregation Kol Ami

Special Event: Edwin Black on IBM for Congregation Kol Ami

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 57 |

Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, lays out Big Blue’s pivotal role in Hitler’s Holocaust.

S4 E16: Equity vs Equality

Equity vs. Equality

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 16 |

Does America need to atone for its past sins with “equity” or correct its future with pure equality? Are equity and equality even compatible? Edwin faces the dark history and the brighter future to see which mechanism should prevail.

S4 E15: Free Speech Under Fire

Free Speech Under Fire

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 15 |

New criminal codes and regulations are being drafted, here and abroad, some under UN mandate. Look for new restrictions, new penalties, greater government surveillance and control—and diminishing freedom. Privacy expert Sharon Polsky joins Edwin to take another look at the perilous current state and future of free speech.

S4 E14: Unanswered Questions XI

Unanswered Questions XI

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 14 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as current affairs, history, WWIII, antisemitism, energy, eugenics, and more. Edwin will also be accepting questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

S4 E13: The AI Threat

The Artificial Intelligence Threat

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 13 |

AI—artificial intelligence—has arrived. Experts everywhere are warning that AI could wipe out 80% of all jobs—and perhaps even civilization. Privacy expert Sharon Polsky joins Edwin to confront the threats and sound the alarm.

S4 E12: Yom HaShoah: Ukraine

Yom HaShoah: What Ukraine Has Done to the Jews

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 12 |

In a land where Jews had been brutally slaughtered en masse by their own neighbors in the prior generation, it was in Ukraine that Nazi Germany chose to commence the Holocaust by Bullets, recruiting villagers for assistance.

This topic, crying out for examination, is today too hot to handle for many. Join Edwin for a hard, unfiltered look at the past.

Passover 2023/5783 hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Passover 2023/5783

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 54 |

Chag Pesach Sameach
Happy Easter
Blessed Ramadan

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus in observance of Passover.
Chag Pesach Sameach! From Edwin, Carol, and Team Black.
We’ll be back on April 20 for our observance of Yom HaShoah.

S4 E11: The Vintage Boys for Passover 2023/5783

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Passover 2023/5783

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 11 |

The usual suspects—Ken Abramowitz, Shel Freilich, Joshua London, Jeff Morgan, and Zalmi Unsdorfer—join Edwin for the usual reasoned deliberations on the best whiskies and wines for the occasion, as well as discussions of current events and history, both recent and ancient. Next year in Jerusalem!

Before the holiday discourse, we welcome special guest Holly Abernathy in Nashville.

Special Event: Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust at Furman University

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust at Furman University

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 52 |

Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust at Furman University, Younts Conference Center.

Part of the “Americans and the Holocaust” Exhibit, cosponsored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the American Library Association

Edwin Black on Journalism for Furman University Journalism Students

Special Event: Edwin Black on Journalism at Furman University

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 50 |

Edwin Black visits Furman University to answer journalism students’ questions.

With 2.2 million books in print, he is the New York Times bestselling author of IBM and the Holocaust, Financing the Flames, The Transfer Agreement, and more. He has been recognized for his writing and human rights work with numerous awards, including the International Human Rights Award, the Moral Compass Award, the Justice for All Award, the Moral Courage Award, the Drum Major for Justice Award, a DLA Human Rights Citation, the AJC Integrity Award, the Carl Sandburg Award, the Smolar Award, multiple Rockower Awards, and a Special Michigan Legislative Human Rights Tribute.

S4 E10: Privacy in Peril II from the PACC-CCAP Conference

Privacy in Peril II at the Canadian Privacy Conference

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 10 |

Spying, lying, denying, and the dangers of passive consent with privacy experts Michael Geist and Sharon Polsky, who join Edwin at the Canadian Privacy and Data Governance Conference, March 22–23, 2023, Ottawa.

Special Event: Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust at PACC-CCAP Conference

Special Event: Edwin Black Keynote on IBM and the Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 48 |

Edwin Black delivers the keynote at Canada's PACC-CAPP’s Privacy and Data Governance Conference in Ottawa: "IBM and the Holocaust—It Began with a Privacy Breach and Ended in Auschwitz"

S4 E09: Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson—National Racist or Global Peacemaker?

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 9 |

He sent American troops to Europe to fight in a needless war to “save the world for democracy,” ensured self-determination for colonized peoples, won the Nobel Peace Prize, re-segregated the US to “put Black people in their place,” uplifted the Klan, and then disappeared, his wife Edith acting as president. He—and she—changed the world forever. Who was Wilson? Historian Chris Lovett joins Edwin.

Purim 2023/5783 and Edwin's birthday hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (March 2)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 47 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. We’ll be back on March 9 with a show focusing on the current crime wave.

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a Happy Purim.

While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “Israel's Occupation: The Making of a Myth,” S3 E22.

S4 E08: Crime Wave

Crime Wave

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 8 |

How Society Can Fight Back

Urban marauders, retail theft gangs, random violence, anti-Asian and anti-Jewish crimes, carjackings—can we fight back? Michael Moore of The Vigilance Group joins Edwin to go bold.

S4 E07: Unanswered Questions X

Unanswered Questions X

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 7 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as history, the state of journalism, WWIII, energy, eugenics, current affairs, and more. Edwin will also be accepting questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

Special Events: Edwin Black Leadership Briefings in Los Angeles, Feb 21-23, 2023

Special Events: Leadership Briefings in Los Angeles

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 45 |

Edwin Black visits Los Angeles for leadership briefings, February 21–23, 2023.

Farhud for Project Witness, Feb 2023

Special Event: Edwin Black on the Farhud for Project Witness

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 46 |

Edwin Black brings brings an important part of the Holocaust to light: the Farhud (violent dispossession), two days of frightful violence, looting, and murder visited on the Jews of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities on Shauvot of 1941, June 1–2. Based on his book of the same name.

The Holocaust is often perceived as a primarily European phenomenon, and the travails of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa are often forgotten. Project Witness is helping change that with its program for educators, “The Untold Plight: The Sephardic Communities in the Holocaust.”

S4 E06: The China Threat Part II

The China Threat Part II

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 6 |

Trial balloons overhead, multimillion-dollar infiltration of our politics, policing stations on US territory, implants across college campuses, strategic land purchases in the heartland, insertion into our phones and computers. A proclaimed goal to dominate the world by 2035.

What’s happening and how soon? Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block joins Edwin to pinpoint the threats.

Edwin Black on Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz for JHU Bioethics

Special Event: Edwin Black on Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz for JHU Bioethics

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 45 |

Edwin Black returns to JHU to present “American Eugenics: From Long Island to Auschwitz,” based on his award-winning War Against the Weak. By academic invitation only for the Biotechnology Department’s Bioethics Course, part of the Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Program.

S4 E05: Reparations


Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 5 |

Who shall receive—and who shall pay?
What is proper justice for injustice?

For Slavery, Native Americans, Japanese Americans, Eugenics Victims, and many others. Famed constitutional and civil rights attorneys Nathan Lewin and Alan Dershowitz plus other voices join Edwin to begin untangling one of the thorniest and most crying issues of our day.

02 Feb 2023 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Feb 2)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 44 |

We are on hiatus this week; we’ll be back on February 9 with an exploration of reparations.

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a Happy Tu BiShvat.

While we’re away, please enjoy this encore presentation of S2 E42, “Are There Any Good Wars?

S4 E04: The Holocaust—Those Who Resisted

The Holocaust—Those Who Resisted

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 4 |

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we honor those who fought back—partisans, ghetto fighters, camp saboteurs, boycotters, protestors, those in suits on streets, those with rifles in the woods. Jews did fight back. Holocaust scholars Sam Edelman and Carol Edelman join Edwin, as does Abe Foxman, who survived the Holocaust among the “Hidden Children.”

S4 E03: 2033

The Year 2033

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 3 |

Where will the US and the world be a decade from now?

Who—or what—will control our lives and rule humanity?

Join us as Edwin goes there.

S4 E02: Unanswered Questions IX

Unanswered Questions IX

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 2 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to address topics such as history, the state of journalism, WWIII, energy, current affairs, and more. Edwin also accepts questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

Carly Gammill of StandWithUs joins Edwin to spotlight a case of antisemitism at George Washington University and SWU's response.

S4 E01 Kristallnacht 2.0 Part II

Kristallnacht 2.0: Part II

Air Date: - Season 4 - Episode 1 |

Pro-Palestinian activists, antisemitic politicians and celebrities, and other racist elements are coalescing into a diverse anti-Jewish and anti-Israel movement. Jewish locations are mapped and publicized, Berkeley Law School has nine “no-go” zones for pro-Israel speakers, synagogues are vandalized, and Jews are threatened and assaulted every day, coast to coast. The term “Zionist” is often a trigger for exclusion and retaliation. Is a new Kishinev, Farhud, or Kristallnacht coming to America? Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander and eminent civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin join Edwin again for Part II of the discussion that nobody wants to have.

S3 E43: Vintage Boys NYE 2022

The Vintage Boys Are Back for New Year's Eve 2022

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 43 |

The Vintage Boys—Ken Abramowitz, Sheldon Freilich, Joshua London, and Jeff Morgan (Zalmi couldn’t make it this time)—are back to help Edwin ring in 2023. We’ll review the high and low points of 2022, share our hopes and goals for 2023, and (as usual) argue over the best wine and whiskey for the occasion while probing current events and history both recent and ancient. BYOB.

EB Show Winter Holidays 2022 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Dec 22)

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 42 |

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone health, prosperity, and joy for the coming year.

Please join us on December 29th as we welcome the Vintage Boys back for another informative, illuminating—and celebratory—exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

S3 E42: Sanger, PP, Eugenicide

Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and Eugenicide in America

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 42 |

Her campaign to eliminate “Human Weeds.” Her struggle to help civilization by eliminating 90 percent of humanity. Her appearance before the Klan. Hitler’s praise of her closest colleagues. And how Sanger became a legend and an object of adulation in America.

S3 E41: College – Does It All Need to Change?

College—Does It All Need to Change?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 41 |

Antisemitism, suppression of free speech, racism, and the final frontier of economic exploitation and privilege. Does it all need to change? Ethics writer Faye Lincoln and former Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Executive Director Samuel Edelman join Edwin to grade academia and issue remedial ideas.

S3 E40: Unanswered Questions VIII

Unanswered Questions VIII

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 40 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers on topics such as energy, politics, history, the state of journalism, WWIII, and many more. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

EB Show Thanksgiving Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 40 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone blessings and abundance on this day set aside for giving thanks.

Please rejoin us on December 1st for another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.


S3 E39: Yom HaGirush 2022/5783

Yom HaGirush 2022: The Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 39 |

Yom HaGirush, November 30, commemorates the coordinated expulsion of Jews from Arab nations. After the 1948 founding of the modern state of Israel, most Arab nations followed the Nazi model of dispossessing and expelling their Jewish populations, planning to overload Israel’s ability to take them in. Some 850,000 men, women, and children were ejected—often with only the clothes on their backs. Many have forgotten. We have not. Mideast scholar Mordechai Kedar and Gulf States Senior Rabbi Elie Abadie join Edwin.

S3 E38: Midterms Outcomes

The 2022 Midterms: What’s Happened? What’s Next?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 38 |

The United States has made its decisions. What’s happened? What’s next? Voices of clarity, including Democratic strategist Josh Block and crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, join Edwin to examine the outcomes.

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for Empower U

Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for Empower U

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 38 |

IBM and the Holocaust: The Smoking Gun Documents. Edwin Black reveals the proof that IBM consciously co-planned, organized, and made efficient Hitler's Holocaust. Brought to you by Empower U.

S3 E37: The 2022 Midterms II

The 2022 Midterms: America's Crisis Decision II

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 37 |

The United States stands at the political precipice as Democratic and Republican forces, along with their allied mass media, contend, cajole, and combine to confuse. The future of the nation is at stake. Fortunately, voices of clarity, including Democratic strategist Josh Block and crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, join Edwin to cut through the chaos. Part II.

EB Show October 2022 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 36 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week because Edwin is traveling. We’ll be back on November 3rd for one more look at the 2022 Midterms before they happen.

While Edwin is traveling, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UN Lie of Israeli Apartheid” (S3 E03).

(US citizens, please remember to vote. Central resource for voting info: CanIVote)

Palm Beach Gardens event Oct26 2022

Special Event: Edwin Black in Palm Beach Gardens

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 35 |

Ken Abramowitz and Save the West with the Gross Family Center present an evening of hard questions and straight answers on political antisemitism with Edwin Black.

Special Event: Edwin Black Leadership Briefing, Oct 25, 2022

Special Event: Leadership Briefing in Tampa

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 34 |

An Insider Briefing for Tampa Jewish Leadership

Edwin Black answers your questions about Iran’s Nuclear Program, Antisemitism in America, Israel and Palestinians, the state of American Jewry, Zionism and Judaism, plus the hot-button issues of the day.

By invitation only.

Israel and International Law--USF Hillel

Special Event: Israel and International Law at USF Hillel

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 33 |

Edwin Black delivers his riveting ground-shifting probe of Israel and International Law.

Israel and International Law—The Historical Underpinnings

Special Event: Israel and International Law—The Historical Underpinnings

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 32 |

Edwin Black visits Congregation Kol Ami to speak on the historical underpinnings of Israel and International Law.

Special Events: Edwin Black events, Tampa, October 2022

Special Events: Edwin Black in Tampa

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 30 |

Edwin Black is visiting Tampa for events at Congregation Kol Ami, the University of South Florida, and the Tampa Jewish Federation.

S3 E36 2022 Midterms Preview

The 2022 Midterms: America's Crisis Decision

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 36 |

The US stands at the political precipice as Democratic and Republican forces, along with their allied mass media, contend, cajole, and combine to confuse. The future of the nation is at stake. Fortunately, voices of clarity, including Democratic strategist Josh Block and crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, join Edwin to cut through the chaos.

S3 E35 Kristallnacht 2.0?

Kristallnacht 2.0

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 35 |

Pro-Palestinian activists, antisemitic Progressive Party politicians, and other racist elements are coalescing into a diverse anti-Jewish and anti-Israel movement. Even now, they map the names and addresses of Jewish organizations and individuals. The label “Zionist” is becoming a trigger for exclusion and retaliation. Is this a prelude to a new Kishinev, a new Farhud, a new Kristallnacht in America? Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander and civil rights attorney and Holocaust refugee Nathan Lewin join Edwin.

EB Show Yom Kippur 2022 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on Hiatus for Yom Kippur

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 29 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus in observance of Yom Kippur.

G’mar Hatimah Tova!
May you be sealed in the Book of Life!
May you have a meaningful fast

We’ll be back on October 13 with another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

Israel and International Law—American University

Israel and International Law—American University

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 31 |

Edwin Black brings an in-depth presentation on the historical underpinnings of Israel to American University.

The EB Show S3 E34: Iran Showdown

Iran’s Nukes: The Coming Showdown

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 34 |

Iran is very close to assembling five nuclear weapons for launch. Israel has promised to destroy Iran’s program—and soon. When will the standoff become the showdown, impacting the world forever? Foreign policy expert and Iran watcher Josh Block joins Edwin.

EB Show S3 E33: Vintage Boys Rosh Hashanah 2022

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Rosh Hashanah 2022

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 33 |

The Vintage Boys return to help Edwin look back at 5782, look forward to 5783, and (as usual) argue over the best whiskey and wine for the occasion while probing current events and history both recent and ancient. Join Joshua London in D.C., Zalmi Unsdorfer in London, Sheldon Freilich in Detroit, Ken Abramowitz in Palm Beach, and Jeff Morgan in San Francisco—and, BTW, BYOB.

EB Show S3 E32: Privacy in Peril

Privacy in Peril

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 32 |

Spying, lying, denying, and the dangers of passive consent are fast eroding all semblance of privacy. Is privacy the key to central control? Privacy expert Sharon Polsky of the Privacy & Access Council of Canada joins Edwin.

Remembering 9/11

On 9/11, We Remember

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 28 |

We remember where we were.

We remember the people.

We pause for a moment and we remember.

EB Show S3 E31: Unanswered Questions VII

Unanswered Questions VII

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 31 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers on topics such as politics, energy, genocide, Ukraine, WWIII, the state of journalism, and many more. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

EB Show Labor Day 2022 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus This Week

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 27 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a happy Labor Day. We’ll be back on September 8 with a show in which Edwin does another round of answering unanswered questions.

While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “Two Titans with Malcolm Hoenlein” (S2 E32).

S3 E30 Can We Trust The FBI?

Can We Trust the FBI?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 30 |

A tough crime-busting legacy mixed with legendary political blackmail, racist subterfuge, and political shenanigans surrounding the fake Trump–Russia case and the Hunter Biden laptop. This forces us to ask the question: Can we trust the FBI?

S3 E29: Is America Heading to a Second Civil War? 2022 Update

Is America Heading to a Second Civil War? 2022 Update

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 29 |

A few years ago, people would have laughed at those who spoke of a Second Civil War. Today, no one is laughing. More and more people are asking if it is possible—both in public and in private. Unlike the War Between the States, we might see a well-armed, and more often street-armed, splotchy civil war that pits tribe against tribe, interest against interest, jurisdiction against jurisdiction, state against state, urban against rural, military group against military group, and Red against Blue. What can accelerate it? What can slow it down? Democratic political strategist Josh Block and civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin join Edwin.

S3 E28: Green Future Reality Check

A Green Future Reality Check

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 28 |

A greener future beckons. But ignorance about the realities abounds. Solar panels reaching their end of life. Utility company shenanigans. Political polarization. Windmill pollution, EV proliferation, ethanol, and hydrogen. Fuel Freedom Foundation Chairman Yossie Hollander and Auto Channel Co-Founder Marc Rauch join Edwin to provide a needed Green Future reality check.

The EB Show S3 E27 The Arab Slave Trade

The Arab Slave Trade

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 27 |

Millions kidnapped and murdered. A continent plundered. A centuries-long genocide which powered the Industrial Revolution. No accountability. Few know the details; even fewer have calculated the magnitude—or the enormity—of the crime, a crime that continues to this day. Anti-slavery activist Charles Jacobs joins Edwin.

EB Show S3 E26: Unanswered Questions VI

Unanswered Questions VI

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 26 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers on topics such as politics, energy, genocide, Ukraine, WWIII, and many more. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

EB Show S3 E25: WWIII: A Nuclear Update

WWIII: A Nuclear Update

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 25 |

Putin’s nuclear rhetoric has become more bellicose. He is now tipping vassal Belorussian ICBMs with nuclear warheads. Iran has provided hundreds of killer drones to Russia in Ukraine. The US and UK are providing increasingly longer-range precision weapons with devastating impact. Britain is preparing to face Russia on the battlefield. Ukrainian forces may one day soon counterattack deep into Russian territory. A new international quad has emerged: China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea—and they all want to see the downfall of the West. How much closer are we to going nuclear? This is the update we never wanted to give on Putin’s war in Europe.

Hudson Institute geopolitical analyst Josh Block joins Edwin.

The EB Show S3 E24: Deadly Vision

Deadly Vision: When Ophthalmology Teamed Up With Eugenics in America

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 24 |

For a time, and with a mad and twisted sense of medicine, ophthalmologists, from the United States to Nazi Germany, believed the best path to better vision for humanity was to eliminate the existence of all those who wore glasses. Based on a seminal chapter in Edwin Black’s prize-winning bestseller War Against the Weak.

EB Show July 2022 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus This Week

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 26 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a happy 4th of July; we’ll be back on July 14 with an episode that examines the time when ophthalmologists teamed up with eugenicists to improve humanity’s eyesight—by urging the sterilization of everyone with less-than-perfect vision.

Special Event: Edwin Black at JHU Bioethics, July 6, 2022

Special Event: Edwin Black on Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz at JHU Bioethics

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 25 |

Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz is drawn from Edwin Black’s bestselling and award-winning War Against the Weak.

Presented for the Biotechnology Department’s Bioethics Course at Johns Hopkins University.

EB Show S3 E23: American Concentration Camps

American Concentration Camps … Yes, American

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 23 |

The notorious camps of Nazi Germany have been seared into memory. But it was America that innovated the first concentration camps; first during the US Civil War, and then again in WWI and WWII. Andersonville, Heart Mountain, Tule Lake, and Manzanar will live in infamy. Under what circumstances might we see another camp arise in the United States? Historian Chris Lovett joins Edwin for camps history and analysis, and constitutional law expert Nathan Lewin joins Edwin to discuss the end of the B&J's boycott and its associated lawsuit.

EB Show S3 E22: Israeli's Occupation: The Making of a Myth

Israel's Occupation: The Making of a Myth

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 22 |

How two ambiguously-worded sentences written in 1899 by murderous regimes have been used and abused to create the fiction of an Israeli occupation of Gaza and the “West Bank”—a fiction which has bamboozled the world for decades. International lawyer Avi Bell joins Edwin.

S3 E21 Israel: The Record Corrected

Israel: The Record Corrected

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 21 |

How to answer the fictitious “facts,” false allegations, and fabricated history. Who are the original Palestinians? What is International Law, and how does it affect Israel? Is Israel occupying the West Bank and Gaza? What is the truth about refugees? The Temple Mount is holy to whom? Is Israel an Apartheid State or engaged in Ethnic Cleansing?

EB Show S3 E20: Unanswered Questions V

Unanswered Questions V

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 20 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

EB Show S3 E19: Farhud Day 2022

Farhud Day: The Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 19 |

On International Farhud Day, Edwin explores the deadly Arab-Nazi alliance that stretched from Paris to Palestine. Conference of Presidents leader Malcolm Hoenlein and HARIF-UK co-founder Lyn Julius join Edwin.

S3 E18: The Tulsa Race Massacre

The Tulsa Race Massacre

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 18 |

Greenwood—the “Black Wall Street”—was a prosperous Black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. White residents formed a mob on May 31, 1921, reacting to rumors of an assault. They murdered their Black neighbors, and looted and destroyed their homes and businesses in a veritable American pogrom.

Why was it forgotten until recently? What did it mean for America? Can it happen again—to anyone in this country?

Tulsa Historical Society Executive Director Michelle Place and civil rights leader Dr. William G. Anderson join Edwin.

EB Show S3 E17: Free Speech

How Free Is Free Speech?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 17 |

Biden’s new “Misinformation Governance Board.” Musk and X/Twitter. Bezos and The Washington Post. The legacy media. Hunter’s laptop. The First Amendment. The Harvard Crimson. The limits. The license. The laws. Constitutional attorneys Nathan Lewin and Alan Dershowitz join Edwin—with nothing held back.

Special Events: Edwin Black leadership briefings, Los Angeles, May 2022

Special Events: Edwin Black in Los Angeles

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 24 |

Edwin Black is visiting greater Los Angeles for leadership briefings May 11–25, 2022. There will not be an Edwin Black Show on Thursday May 12; Edwin will be back on May 19 with an episode that asks—and attempts to answer—How Free Is Free Speech?

EB Show S3 E16: Israeli Independence Day/Yom Ha'atzmaut

Israel Independence Day—Yom Ha'atzmaut 2022/5782

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 16 |

The observance of Yom Ha'atzmaut—Israeli Independence Day—began at sunset on May 4/4 Iyyar. Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman, and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman join Edwin to celebrate what the Jewish State has meant to the Jewish people and to all the world. Featuring special greetings from Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum.

S3 E15 Yom HaShoah--Can It Happen Again

The Shoah—Can It Happen Again?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 15 |

On Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Edwin asks: Can it happen again? What would it take—and when? International Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander, Wiesenthal Center Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper, and civil rights attorney and Holocaust refugee Nathan Lewin join Edwin.

EB Show Passover Hiatus 2022

The Edwin Black Show is on Hiatus for Passover

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 22 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus on April 21 for Passover. Chag Pesach Sameach! from Edwin, Carol, and Team Black. We’ll be back on April 28 for the somber occasion of Yom HaShoah.

While we’re on hiatus, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UAE–Israel–Bahrain Treaty“ (S1 E27).

EB Show S3 E14: Vintage Boys VI: Passover 2022

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Passover 2022

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 14 |

The Vintage Boys are back for a special Passover edition. We’ll be debating the best whiskey and wine for the holiday as well as the usual holiday topics, while probing current events and history—both recent and ancient. BYOB. Next year in Jerusalem!

S3 E13 Identity Theft

Identity Theft: How Arabs Appropriated Jewish Palestinian Identity

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 13 |

For generations, the Arabs of Jewish Palestine denied they had any national identity and that any Palestinian people existed. They rejected the Peel Commission offer of two states. In 1948, the Arabs invaded. Jewish land was stolen—and Arabs voted at the Jericho Conference to be citizens of Jordan. In 1964, with help from the Soviet KGB and escaped Nazis, Arabs expropriated the Palestinian identity. They convinced a world. Middle East historian Mordechai Kedar and Israel historian Rabbi Yotav Eliach join Edwin.

EB Show S3 E12: WW III Nuke

WWIII—How It Could Go Nuclear

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 12 |

Strategic nuclear weapons are regulated by arms reduction agreements. Tactical nuclear weapons—meant for battlefield use, with yields of “only” 1–100 kT … are not. We are already engaged in WWIII. But the question is: what could trigger the nukes? Geopolitical strategist Josh Block joins Edwin.

EB Show S3 E11: We Need a New UN

We Need a New UN—for Democracies

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 11 |

The existing United Nations, controlled by Russia and China, has been a cesspool of hate, inequities, and failures to promote peace. It is time to create a new world body limited to democracies for a new democratic world order committed to peace. NGO Monitor legal advisor Anne Herzberg joins Edwin.

EB Show S3 E10: WWIII

WWIII—What Would It Mean?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 10 |

The most feared thought of our times is now front and center. Moscow says NATO weapons supplies to Ukraine and sanctions escalate and expand the war. Russian nuclear action is at hand. Edwin details … the unspeakable.

EB Show S3 E09: The Very Big Lawsuit against Ben & Jerry's

The Very Big Lawsuit Against Ben & Jerry's

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 9 |

A major lawsuit against Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever for their anti-Jewish boycott has been filed by the Israeli franchisee.

Ben & Jerry’s–Israel president Avi Zinger and his attorneys Marc Zell, Alyza Lewin, and Nathan Lewin join Edwin with exclusive details.

Special Event: Edwin Black for History Day at Brandeis School

Special Event: Edwin Black for History Day at Brandeis

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 21 |

Student-Requested Topic: Antisemitism and the Holocaust’s Impact on the United Nations Vote for Israel’s Statehood.

For junior high school students in Long Island, Nashville, and elsewhere. By school and parental invitation only.

EB Show S03 E08: War in Europe

War in Europe—Ukraine Today. Who Is Next?

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 8 |

Today, it’s Ukraine. Who’s next?

Last March, Vladimir Putin moved 90,000 troops to Ukraine’s border. No one reacted. Last July, Putin declared he wanted to dismantle and absorb Ukraine. No one reacted. Last summer, Putin declared the goal of reconstituting the territory of the old Soviet Union, including parts of Poland and the Baltic States. No one reacted. Now Russia has fully invaded Ukraine—as promised.

Who is next? What is next? Polish Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Adam Krzywosądzki and Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block join Edwin.

EB Show Feb 2022 Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus This Week

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 20 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. We’ll be back on March 3 with another illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

While we're on hiatus, please enjoy this encore presentation of S2 E14, “Israel’s Next Ferocious War In Lebanon,” on YouTube.

S3 E07: Multifront War Go Hot

Can the Multifront War Go Hot? Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran, North Korea

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 7 |

Can a multifront shooting war break out? Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran, North Korea. Threat analyst Ken Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War, and Hudson Institute geopolitical strategist Josh Block join Edwin to analyze the … unthinkable.

EB Show S3 E06: Jewish Legal Avengers

The Jewish Legal Avengers

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 6 |

Finally, a Jewish legal team has been assembled to tackle the most egregious and criminal cases of antisemitism. Former prosecutor and tough-as-nails litigator Brad Gerstman and experienced StandWithUs Legal Director Yael Lerman will take on the hatemongers and perpetrators that the criminal justice system won’t. They will aggressively litigate against bad guys until justice is done. “We will follow them to the ends of the Earth,” vows Gerstman. Streetwise, tough, aggressive, determined—meet the Jewish Legal Avengers.

Please note: California CLE credit provided at end of program. Credit may be transferable to other states; contact for more info.

EB Show S3 E05: Ukraine Invasion

Ukraine Invasion—What it Would Mean

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 5 |

The crisis in Ukraine threatens to throw Europe—and the world—into widening war and turmoil. We have been here before. Josh Block, Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow, joins Edwin.

Please note: this episode was recorded on Feb 3, 2022, before Russia fully invaded.

Special Event: Edwin Black at JHU Bioethics

Special Event: Edwin Black on Connecticut Eugenics at JHU Bioethics

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 19 |

In 1938, Connecticut planned a door-to-door eugenic survey to identify who was socially, genetically, and eugenically fit to remain in the state. Officials were inspired by the actions of Nazi Germany, which in turn had been inspired by American eugenics. So-called “unfit” Connecticut citizens were to be expelled to camps in the Ozarks for eventual extermination. Governor Wilbur Cross lost his 1938 re-election bid, and the plans were abandoned—but Connecticut has never apologized. Drawn from Edwin Black’s bestselling and award-winning War Against the Weak.

Presented for the Biotechnology Department’s Bioethics Course at Johns Hopkins University.

EB Show S3 E04: Public Health's Eugenic Plan for Genocide in Connecticut

Public Health's Eugenic Plan for Genocide in Connecticut

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 4 |

In 1938, Connecticut planned a door-to-door eugenic survey to identify who was socially, genetically, and eugenically fit to remain in the state. Officials were inspired by the actions of Nazi Germany, which in turn had been inspired by American eugenics. So-called “unfit” Connecticut citizens were to be expelled to the Ozarks, placed in camps, and then exterminated. Governor Wilbur Cross lost his 1938 re-election bid, and the plans were abandoned—but Connecticut has never apologized. Drawn from Edwin Black’s bestselling and award-winning book War Against the Weak.

EB Show S3 E03: The UN Lie of Israeli Apartheid

The UN Lie of Israeli Apartheid

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 3 |

The UN Human Rights Council has established a permanent commission of inquiry to, among other things, investigate Israel as an “apartheid state.” It is but the latest UN Lie about the Jewish State, calculated to demonize Israel above all other nations combined. Joining Edwin are international law expert Avi Bell, StandWithUs Research Director Max Samarov, and NGO Monitor legal advisor Anne Herzberg.

Kol Ami Discussion of Values That Shape the World

Special Event: Faye Lincoln at Kol Ami

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 18 |

Faye Lincoln discusses her critically-acclaimed book Values That Shape the World. Join the event and participate live, Tuesday, January 18, 7:00 pm MT via Zoom (ID: 856 1025 0693; Passcode: 465218).

Moderated by Rabbi Samuel L. Spector

EB Show S3 E02: Unanswered Questions IV

Unanswered Questions IV

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 2 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions.

Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no holds barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

EB Show S3 E01: Watkins Holocaust Outrage

Watkins Elementary School Holocaust Outrage

Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 1 |

Third-grade students, including Jewish kids, at Watkins Elementary School in Washington DC were allegedly instructed by a staff member to reenact scenes from the Holocaust, including gassing, digging ditches for bodies, and shootings. Antisemitic remarks were also reported. What the hell has happened? What the hell is happening? Is this a mere school mishap to be regretted … or criminal child abuse to be prosecuted? A stand will must now be taken. Famed civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin, Washington DC JCRC associate director Guila Siegel, and StandWithUs legal director Yael Lerman join Edwin.


Winter Holiday Hiatus 2021

The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus for the Winter Holidays

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 17 |

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone health, prosperity, and joy for the coming year.

While we’re on hiatus, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The Uyghur Genocide—the World is Not Watching” (S2 E18) and then join us on December 30 as we welcome the Vintage Boys for another informative, illuminating—and celebratory—exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very, very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

EB Show S2 E47: Vintage Boys V: NYE 2021

The Vintage Boys Bring in the New Year 2022

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 47 |

The Vintage Boys are back to bring in the new year—and we can't wait. We’ll be arguing over the best whiskey and wine while probing current events and history—and debating what the year ahead will hold. Jeff Morgan in Napa Valley, Sheldon Freilich in Detroit, Kenneth Abramowitz in Palm Beach, Joshua London in DC, and Zalmi Unsdorfer in London join Edwin. Bring your own libation.

EB Show S02 E46: Duke Antisemitism

Antisemitism at Duke University ... Again

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 46 |

Duke University settled formal complaints of grave antisemitism just last year. Community leaders are astonished—and mobilized—now that formal recognition of the Students Supporting Israel chapter has been summarily vetoed by student government leadership. SSI President Ilan Sinelnikov and Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin join Edwin.

Brazil Launch of Haavara

Haavara Book Launch in Brazil

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 16 |

When all nations failed, only one group—the Zionist Organization—had the courage to boldly face the Nazi hierarchy to save 60,000 German Jews, transferring them to Jewish Palestine with their assets to build a new life—as Moses had done millennia before. Now the story will be told.

Famed New York Times bestseller Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, has authorized this first-ever translation of his critically acclaimed and revelatory book, The Transfer Agreement, published in Brazil as Haavara, by Idea Editora. Haavara is Hebrew for "transfer."

OVERWHELMING. Black’s research is striking in its dimension and scope. The vast uncovering of source material and its extensive use are almost overwhelming. Yoav Gelber, Yad Vashem
HISTORICAL JOURNALISM AT ITS BEST. Alexander Zvielli, Jerusalem Post
SPELLBINDING. Sybil Milton, Simon Wiesenthal Center
METICULOUS. Gladwyn Hill, Los Angeles Times
RIVETING. Jan Cawley, Chicago Tribune Magazine

Join the Jewish Brazilian Confederation, the Jewish Federation of the State of São Paulo, StandWithUs, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, ZOA-MI, Israeli-American Council and other groups for a Zoom presentation hosted by The Edwin Black Show and Idea Editora. You can join the presentation starting at 6:40 pm BRT via this link, by going to the presentation page and tapping the “Join” button, by opening your Zoom app and joining ID: 865 2558 7403 with passcode: 638718, or via phone: +1 301‑715‑8592  or +1 929‑205‑6099. If you have a question, you can use Zoom’s Q&A function during the presentation or email

EB Show S02 E45: Two-State Solution

Is a Two-State Solution Dead?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 45 |

For generations, the Arabs of Jewish Palestine denied any national identity. In 1948, the Arabs invaded. Jewish land was stolen—and Arabs voted to be citizens of Jordan. In 1964, the Arabs expropriated the Jewish Palestinian identity. In the 1990s, the Oslo Accords mapped out a two-state solution. Since then, every peace breakthrough has been rejected by the Arab Palestinians. Is a two-state solution still viable? Middle East historian Mordechai Kedar and Hudson Institute Foreign Policy Fellow Josh Block join Edwin.

EB Show Thanksgiving Hiatus

The Edwin Black Show is on Hiatus for Thanksgiving

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 15 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone blessings and abundance on this day set aside for giving thanks.

Please rejoin us on December 2nd for another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

The Edwin Black Show comes to you from Washington, DC via Zoom Thursdays at 3:00 pm ET. Visit for show information and to sign up for alerts; visit the show’s YouTube channel for enhanced recordings of past shows, trailers, and bonus content.

S02 E44: Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles—The Real Story

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 44 |

More than a century ago, Thomas Edison attempted to steer the US toward electric cars. Several factors intervened to allow internal combustion to become the engine of the 20th century, including World War I and possible sabotage by petroleum interests. Automotive historian Marc Rauch and Yossie Hollander of the Fuel Freedom Foundation join Edwin to examine the past, present, and possible future of electric cars, and what they can—and cannot—solve.

Special Event: Faye Lincoln at The King's English Bookshop

Special Event: Faye Lincoln at The King's English

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 14 |

The King’s English Bookshop presents Faye Lincoln, author of Values That Shape the World: Ancient Precepts, Modern Concepts, in conversation with author and screenwriter Wayne Johnson.

This online event is free; advance registration is required.

S2 E43: Yom HaGirush

Yom HaGirush—850,000 Jews Expelled from Arab States

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 43 |

Yom HaGirush, November 30, commemorates the coordinated expulsion of Jews from Arab nations. After the 1948 founding of the modern state of Israel, most Arab nations followed the Nazi model of dispossessing and expelling their Jewish populations, often to overload Israel’s ability to take them in. Some 850,000 were expelled penniless and stateless. Lyn Julius, co-founder of HARIF-UK, and Elie Abadie, senior rabbi of the UAE, join Edwin Black, author of The Farhud and originator of International Farhud Day.

S2 E42: Are There Any Good Wars?

Are There Any Good Wars?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 42 |

On Veterans Day, history recalls a thousand excuses for war. Scarce resources, extension of empires, defense of homelands, defense of ideologies, the craving for conquest. Millions dead, millions wounded, millions scarred, millions displaced. But have there been any “good wars?” Historian Christopher Lovett and Jewish War Veterans past National Commander Harvey Weiner join Edwin to take a hard look at the history and the near-term and far-future prospects for man’s most inhuman undertaking.

EB Show S2 E41: Updates from the Trenches

Updates from the Trenches

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 41 |

Edwin has taken on some burning issues: the Jerusalem Consulate Crisis, the Burlington Affliction, the Ben & Jerry’s Boycott Backlash, the Afghanistan Nightmare, the Durham Investigation, and many others. So, what has happened? Edwin gives an up-to-the-minute update and also accepts your questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred Update from the Trenches.

EB Show S2 E40: The Jerusalem Consulate Crisis

The Jerusalem Consulate Crisis

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 40 |

The Biden Administration has long been pressuring Israeli officials to abandon Israel's sovereignty over the entire city of Jerusalem. The first step was opening an illegal and illegitimate consulate to the Palestinians in the heart of Jerusalem. The move has outraged many in the Jewish Community worldwide and the Israeli government. They oppose such a move. Can it happen? What will happen? When will it happen? Brandeis Center president Alyza Lewin, international jurist and embassy analyst Marc Zell, and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman join Edwin.

S2 E39: The Durham Investigation

The Durham Investigation—Beneath the Headlines

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 39 |

John Durham’s sweeping investigation involves numerous high-profile individuals in Silicon Valley as well as in government. Some of the pointers are starting to show. Famed defense counsel Alan Dershowitz joins Edwin.


EB Show S2 E38: Burlington Affliction

The Burlington Affliction—Pressuring Jews on Holy Days

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 38 |

American Jews are being increasingly afflicted by the deliberate scheduling of Jewish policy issues on sabbaths and holidays—boycotts, anti-Israel measures, pro-BDS resolutions, and academic requirements. The Burlington City Council set the abuse standard when it took up an anti-Israel resolution during the Days of Awe—just two days before Yom Kippur. Civil rights champion attorney Nathan Lewin and Simon Wiesenthal Center Associate Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper join Edwin.

EB Show S2 E37 China Threat

The China Threat

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 37 |

Unleashing COVID-19. Genocide against the Uyghurs. Collusion with the Taliban. Threats to bomb Australia. Promises to take Taiwan—complete with military intrusions into their airspace. The Hong Kong democracy crackdown. Militarized artificial islands. A proclaimed goal to dominate the world by 2035. Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block and Bloomberg security correspondent Eli Lake join Edwin to pinpoint the threats.

EB Show S2 E36: Ford and the Nazis

Ford and the Nazis

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 36 |

When America’s most active Jew hater and the world’s most dangerous Jew hater made common cause … the result was measured in the millions. Holocaust historian Max Wallace and automotive historian Marc Rauch join Edwin.

EB Show S02E35: Vintage Boys for the High Holidays

The Vintage Boys Are Back for the 2021 High Holidays

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 35 |

The Vintage Boys are back for a special high holidays edition. This time things are serious. We’ll be arguing over the best whiskey and wine while probing current events and history—both recent and ancient. Zalmi Unsdorfer in London, Jeff Morgan in California, Sheldon Freilich in Detroit, Ken Abramowitz in Palm Beach, and Joshua London in DC join Edwin.

EB Show Yom Kippur Hiatus 2021

The Edwin Black Show is on Hiatus for Yom Kippur

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 12 |

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus in observance of Yom Kippur.

G'mar Hatimah Tova!
May you be sealed in the Book of Life!

May you have an easy and meaningful fast.

Please join us on September 23 as we welcome back the Vintage Boys for an informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 13 |

Twenty years ago, everything changed. 

We remember.

EB Show S2 E34: Unanswered Questions III

Unanswered Questions III

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 34 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out questions. We save them, and this episode gives us a chance to at last give answers. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

EB Show S2 E33: Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Nightmare

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 33 |

Under President Joe Biden, America has just witnessed an inept and humiliating exit from Afghanistan, leaving behind numerous endangered Americans and half a country of vulnerable women, girls, and U.S. helpers. Now the terrorist Taliban, an affiliate of al Qaeda, is in charge. More than that, billions of dollars in advanced weaponry has been left for terrorist groups worldwide including al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIS-K, Hamas, Hezbollah, and unknown terror groups now forming. What’s next for this nightmare? When does it reach America, our allies, and Israel? Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block joins Edwin.

EB Show S02E32 Two Titans: Malcolm Hoenlein

Two Titans Talk: Malcolm Hoenlein and Edwin Black

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 32 |

Malcolm Hoenlein has been a giant of Jewish organizational life, at the center of communal defense and support for Israel. As vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, he has been involved in every major Jewish and Israeli issue. Now, in a Two Titans Talk episode, everything is on the table. Nothing is off limits. Mushrooming Antisemitism. The Next Decade. The Next Generation. The Threats. The Blessings. Everything Israel and the Jewish Community.

EB Show S02E31 Values Launch

Values That Shape the World Launch

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 31 |

The launch of the new, critically acclaimed, and fast-selling book Values That Shape the World by Faye Lincoln. Her work forces us to ask how society got here—and where we are going. Esteemed Rabbi Elie Abadie from Dubai, famed constitutional attorney Nathan Lewin, and  Hudson Institute foreign policy fellow Josh Block join Edwin and the author to confront the issues.

B&N Launch of Values That Shape the World

Barnes & Noble Launch Event for Values That Shape the World

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 11 |

On August 16, 2021, 3pm ET, in partnership with Barnes & Noble, attend a special global launch event for the critically acclaimed Values That Shape the World by author Faye Lincoln. On hand to help her launch her ambitious new volume is famed New York Times bestselling Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, esteemed Rabbi Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi in Dubai, and renown crisis manager Juda Engelmayer. Your questions will be taken live.

Powerful. A powerful and detailed grasp of Biblical ethics and how they have shaped—and continue to shape—our world through the ages. This is a book many need right now.
- Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust.

Pathfinding. With tenacious precision, unifies the written word of the Bible and the history of men to create a pathfinding book … which promises to shape the lives of many in this world, now and in the future.
- Martin Barillas, author of Shaken Earth.

Uplifting. At a time when values are being overturned and discarded, Faye Lincoln’s Values That Shape the World provides an uplifting reminder of how we got here, and the teachings we need to grasp to move  forward in peace and strength.
- Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman.

Amazon Launch of Values That Shape the World

Amazon Launch Event for Values That Shape the World

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 10 |

On August 15, 2021, 3pm ET, in partnership with Amazon worldwide, attend a special global launch event for the critically acclaimed Values That Shape the World by author Faye Lincoln. On hand to help her launch her ambitious new volume is famed New York Times bestselling Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, esteemed Rabbi Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi in Dubai, and Erick Stakelbeck, on-air host of The Watchman. Your questions will be taken live.

Powerful. A powerful and detailed grasp of Biblical ethics and how they have shaped—and continue to shape—our world through the ages. This is a book many need right now.
- Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust. 

Pathfinding. With tenacious precision, unifies the written word of the Bible and the history of men to create a pathfinding book … which promises to shape the lives of many in this world, now and in the future.
- Martin Barillas, author of Shaken Earth.

Uplifting. At a time when values are being overturned and discarded, Faye Lincoln’s Values That Shape the World provides an uplifting reminder of how we got here, and the teachings we need to grasp to move  forward in peace and strength.
- Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman.

EB Show S02 E30 Israel War Update

Israel War Update: Iran & Lebanon—What's Next

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 30 |

Hear up-to-the-minute military and political reports on Israel’s next big military moves in Iran and Lebanon. Top Mideast security analyst Walid Phares, Lebanese commentator Elie Khawand, and Hudson Institute Foreign Policy Fellow Josh Block join Edwin.

EB Show S02 E29 Temple Mount

The Temple Mount: Al-Aqsa or Holy of Holies?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 29 |

Does the Temple Mount hold Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest Islamic shrine … or Judaism’s single most sacred place—the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant once stood? What does history say about it? Why does Jordan control it? Could Saudi Arabia get it? Biblical scholar Rabbi Yotav Eliach joins Edwin to dig into the surprising past and the explosive present.

EB Show S02 E28 Ben and Jerry's Boycott

Ben & Jerry’s Excellent Boycott Backlash

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 28 |

When Ben & Jerry’s announced its BDS-allied boycott of Jews in Judea and Samaria and probably all of Israel, it set off a global firestorm of backlash: counterboycotts, legal actions by state authorities, and store shelf removals. The trademark has even been seized in Israel. Famed civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, top lawfare litigator Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, who seized Ben & Jerry’s Israeli trademark, as well as crisis manager Juda Engelmeyer join Edwin.

EB Show S02 E27 General Motors and the Nazis

General Motors and the Nazis

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 27 |

Panzer tanks, Blitz trucks, Ju-88 bombers, torpedoes, land mines, automation, financial help—how America’s most criminal corporation partnered with the Nazis to enable the Reich’s conquest of Europe … and the Holocaust. Automotive historian Marc Rauch joins Edwin.

S2 E26: America the Great or the Awful

America the Great … or the Awful?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 26 |

A vibrant Democracy, slavery, the Civil War, the liberation of Europe, the defeat of Nazism, toppling communism, income inequality, pervasive racism, and the American Dream. Edwin drills down on the history and the perspective in answering: is it America the Great—or America the Awful?

EB Show S02 E25: Ethnic Cleansing

Is Israel Ethnic Cleansing?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 25 |

We have heard about Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Soon we shall hear about Silwan. House demolitions and evictions make for evocative video. But what are the facts about the property—and what is the propaganda? International jurists Avi Bell in Jerusalem and Natasha Hausdorff join Edwin to dig into the history, the law, and the reality.

EB Show S02 E24: Unaswered Questions II

Unanswered Questions II

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 24 |

Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run through all the questions. We have saved them, and this episode gives us a chance to at last answer them. Edwin will also be accepting questions live via the Zoom Q&A.  Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

S2 E23: Inflation

Runaway Inflation—The New National Threat

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 23 |

Inflation is back and threatening to cripple the country. Biden administration spending at unprecedented trillion-dollar levels, as well as Fed policies such as continuous quantitative easing, are creating an economy that some fear could approach double-digit annual inflation. Historically, that means great social unrest and fiscal peril. Threat analyst and investor Kenneth Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War, and noted day trader Steve Emerson join Edwin to drill into the looming impact of the escalating inflation that has suddenly hit America.

Edwin Black on the 80th Anniversary of the Farhud

Special Event: Edwin Black on the 80th Anniversary of the Farhud at Congregation Ohav Zedek

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 9 |

Hundreds of innocent men, women, and children were brutally attacked, their homes and shops burned, in the heinous June 1–2, 1941, Arab-Nazi pogrom in Baghdad. This was the beginning of the end of Iraqi Jewry. Farhud means “violent dispossession.” But could it happen again—even in the US?

The event was hosted by Congregation Ohav Zedek of Wilkes-Barre with Temple Israel and the Jewish Community Alliance, plus Beth Shalom Scranton, Sons of Israel, Kesher Israel, and others. There was a live reception with refreshments at Ohav Zedek for the big-screen event.


EB Show S02 E22: War Against the Jews--in America

The War Against the Jews … in America

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 22 |

Almost every hour of every day, another act of violence, public humiliation, group demonization, and institutional bias is inflicted against America’s Jewish community. Fear and isolation is gripping all sectors of Jewry. Some say it has started. Has it? What is starting and what can be done about it? Alyza Lewin, president of the Brandeis Center, and Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs join Edwin.

Edwin Black @ JHU Bio-Ethics

Special Event: Edwin Black on American Eugenics at JHU Bio-ethics

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 8 |

Edwin Black returns to Johns Hopkins University Bio-Ethics for a riveting lecture on American Eugenics based on his bestselling War Against the Weak.

EB Show S02 E21: Gaza Israel Jerusalem Explodes... what's next

Gaza Jerusalem Israel Explosion—What's Next?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 21 |

Join Edwin for up-to-the-minute military and political reports on the Gaza ceasefire, Israel’s next big military defense system, the looming threat from Iran and possible strike by Israel, plus the synchronized explosion of antisemitic violence by pro-Palestinian mobs in America and organized Jew hatred on campus.

EB Show S02 E20: International Farhud Day--Can it Happen Again

International Farhud Day—Can It Happen Again?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 20 |

Remember the hundreds who died in Baghdad on June 1, 1941—the beginning of the end of Jewry in Iraq. Can it happen again—in Europe or the United States?

Edwin Black, who originated International Farhud Day and is the New York Times bestselling author of The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust, is joined by Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Lyn Julius of HARIF, Rabbi Elie Abadie, Council of Sages, UAE, and Zalmi Unsdorfer of Likud UK to ask the uncomfortable questions.

EB Show S2 E19 Gaza Jerusalem Israel Explodes ... Again

Gaza and Jerusalem Explode ... again

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 19 |

Up-to-the-minute military and political reports plus insider explanations as Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Council of Sages in the UAE chairman Rabbi Elie Abadie, and famed Akko chef and hotelier Uri Jeremias join Edwin.

Barnes & Noble Event: IBM and the Holocaust 20th Anniversary

Barnes & Noble Launch Event for IBM and the Holocaust Hardcover Re-issue

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 7 |

Barnes & Noble hosts a special launch event for IBM and the Holocaust—the 2021 re-issue of the hardcover in a special 20th Anniversary Commemorative Edition, available exclusively at Barnes and Noble. Sharon Polsky, president of the Privacy and Access Council, and Chris Lovett, professor of history at Emporia State University plus other top experts confront the historical genocide and the looming future threat. Join the launch and ask questions.

In his New York Times bestselling investigative book, Edwin Black documented how IBM knowingly organized all six phases of Hitler’s Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation—and even extermination. The book was exhaustively researched and its assertions are backed by a literal tower of documentation.

With more than 1.5 million copies in print, IBM and the Holocaust is in more than 20 languages in numerous editions in 190 countries. A copy sells every hour.

The book was published to global acclaim.
EXPLOSIVE AND STUNNING. An explosive book… Backed by exhaustive research, Black’s case is simple and stunning: that IBM facilitated the identification and roundup of millions of Jews during the 12 years of the Third Reich… Black’s evidence may be the most damning to appear yet against a purported corporate accomplice.
Michael Hirsh, Newsweek

BEYOND DISPUTE. Black clearly demonstrates that Nazi Germany employed IBM Hollerith punch-card machines to perform critical tasks in carrying out the Holocaust and the German war effort. He goes on to document that IBM managed to profit from Hitler’s state throughout its existence … Black establishes beyond dispute that IBM Hollerith machines significantly advanced Nazi efforts to exterminate Jewry … IBM and the Holocaust is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the Holocaust.
Christopher Simpson, Washington Post Book World

SHOCKING. Thomas Watson chose to tabulate the Nazi census, to accept Hitler’s medal, and to fight for control of Dehomag. And he made other equally indefensible choices in his years of doing a profitable business counting Jews for Hitler—choices that are described in IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black. This is a shocking book. With the help of more than a hundred researchers working in archives in the U.S., Britain, Germany, France, and Israel, Edwin Black has documented a sordid relationship between this great American company and the Third Reich, one that extended into the war years.
Jack Beatty, The Atlantic

EXHAUSTIVE RESEARCH. With exhaustive research, Black makes the case that IBM and Watson conspired with Nazi Germany to help automate the genocide of Europe’s Jews … Black’s book is so enlightening [because] it paints a richly textured picture of how a man [Watson], and an entire company, can ignore all sense of morality while not once transgressing the lines of business ethics. If nothing else, this book should be required reading for every first-year MBA student.
Sam Jaffe, Businessweek

UNDENIABLE. Black's meticulous documentation reveals an undeniable fact: after the outbreak of the World War II, the IBM corporation knew the whereabouts of each of its European-leased machines, and what revenues it could expect from them … Now, the burden of proof rests squarely with IBM. What will it do with this thoroughly documented accusation, this long-overdue indictment of corporate greed? Black's book has done what US and international organs of justice chose not to do five decades ago.”
Prof Robert Urekew, Harvard International Review

The book has been the recipient of numerous awards, including two from the American Society of Journalists and Authors for Best Nonfiction Investigative Book of the Year and Best Article of Investigative Journalism on IBM at Auschwitz for “Final Solutions,” published in the Village Voice, Best Humanities Book, 2018 for the Chinese edition of IBM and the Holocaust, awarded by a joint committee of booksellers and information technologists in China, the Moral Compass Award granted by the Naples Holocaust Museum, and the Integrity Award from The American Jewish Congress.

A resurgence in popularity of the book in 2021 led to the re-issue of the special hardcover edition with dust cover, available exclusively at Barnes & Noble.

EB Show S02 E18: The Uyghur Genocide—The World is Not Watching

The Uyghur Genocide—The World Is Not Watching

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 18 |

A million in camps, transported in trains. Slave labor. Forced sterilization and institutional rape. A concerted program to wipe out an entire ethnic group. The whole world … isn’t watching. Nury Turkel of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, Rahima Mahmut of the World Uyghur Congress, camp survivor Mihrigul Tursen, and Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center join Edwin to unveil the horrifying facts.

EB Show S02 E17: Is Antisemitism Entrenched in the Democratic Party?

Is Antisemitism Entrenched in the Democratic Party?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 17 |

Open and virulent antisemitism and anti-Israel hatred in the Democratic Party, once diminished and kept below the Mason-Dixon Line, is now entrenched in powerful senior posts across the country. The result is official legislative and administrative support for or inaction on BDS and a range of other anti-Israel hate messages coming from top ranks in the Congress, the National Security Council, the State Department, and even the White House. Don’t be mistaken—it’s not just the Squad anymore.

Stalwart Democrat Josh Block, Republican Jewish Coalition Communications Director Neil Strauss, and other leading voices join Edwin to name names and spotlight the realities.

EB Show S02 E16: Palestinian Terrorist Salaries Restart

Palestinian Terrorist Salaries Start Again

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 16 |

Taxpayer support for Palestinian terrorist salaries, first promulgated worldwide by Edwin Black's bestselling book Financing the Flames, has just been reinstated. Millions of dollars for murder have been illegally authorized by the Biden administration. Joining Edwin from Ramallah for direct questioning are Qadri Abu Bakr, minister in charge of the Palestinian Prisoner Authority, and Ashraf al-Ajrami, former minister of the Palestinian Prisoner Authority; also featuring Israeli terrorism money tracking expert Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch.

How IBM Co-Planned and Co-Organized the Holocaust—Implications for Today.  Edwin Black keynote at Rio Data Privacy Conference

Special Event: Edwin Black at the Rio Data Privacy Conference on IBM and the Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 6 |

How IBM Co-Planned and Co-Organized the Holocaust—Implications for Today.

Edwin Black keynote at the First International Online Congress on the Right to Protect Personal Data in Rio de Janeiro, livestreamed via YouTube. Edwin's address starts at 6:00pm EDT (3:00pm PDT, 7:00pm BRT, 11:00pm BST).

S2 E15: The California Ethnic Studies Danger Goes National

The California Ethnic Studies Danger Goes National

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 15 |

A sinister attempt in California to indoctrinate high school students with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel “values,” fought for years, may succeed—and then spread to school districts across the country. Max Samarov, director of research at StandWithUs, Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, director of the AMCHA Initiative, and Melissa Landa, founder of Alliance4Israel, as well as other leading minds join Edwin to investigate the dimensions of the danger.

S2 E14: Israel's Next Ferocious War in Lebanon

Israel's Next Ferocious War In Lebanon

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 14 |

If conflict breaks out between Iran and Israel, Tehran will order Hezbollah to attack, dragging Lebanon into a ferocious—and tragic—war with the Jewish State. Israel has been preparing its next Lebanon battle for years. A combination of rapid new and massively more destructive weapons coordinated by artificial intelligence will make this war 10 times as intense as the last encounter. With Hezbollah embedding thousands of missiles in civilian locations, the fight will probably exceed the “laws of war” and devastate populated areas—which Iran desires. The Lebanese people will suffer most.

Eran Lerman, VP, the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, John Hajjar, US director, World Council for the Cedars Revolution, Steven Emerson, founder of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman join Edwin to drill into the details.   

S2 E13 Two Titans Talk: Dvorak and Black

Two Titans Talking—John C. Dvorak and Edwin Black

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 13 |

John C. Dvorak is a titan in computer journalism. He shaped a generation of computer writers in Forbes, InfoWorld and PC Magazine. The Computer Press Association awarded him Best Columnist and Best Column honors. The American Business Editors Association gave him the national gold award for best online columns. Now, John joins Edwin in a Two Titans session. Everything on the table. Nothing off limits. Technology. The Next Decade. The Next Generation. The Threats. The Blessings. The Planet. The Universe.

EB Show Easter Pesach Hiatus 2021

The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus for Easter and Passover

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 5 |

We’ll be back next week with another hard-hitting, informative show.

EB Show S02 E12 Vintage Boys Return for Passover

The Vintage Boys Are Back for Passover

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 12 |

The Vintage Boys are back for a special Passover edition. Jeff Morgan in San Francisco, Zalmi Unsdorfer in London, Josh London in Washington, DC, Sheldon Freilich in Detroit, and Ken Abramowitz in Palm Beach return to the show to argue the best whiskey and wine, while probing current events and some fascinating history—both recent and ancient.

EB Show S02 E11 Regulating and Reining In Big Tech

Regulating and Reining in Big Tech

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 11 |

Cancel culture, monopoly, censorship, thought control, privacy excesses, electoral interference … can they be stopped? Privacy watchdog Sharon Polsky, crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and political strategist Josh Block join Edwin to examine the issues.

Home Energy Independence—Can We Get Off the Grid?

Home Energy Independence—Can We Get Off the Grid?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 10 |

Home energy independence: can we get off the grid? Hydrogen, solar, wind, piezoelectric, natural gas, geothermal: all can work—to a degree. But what are the realities to surviving energy blackouts and disasters? Yossie Hollander of the Fuel Freedom Foundation, Marc Rauch of The Auto Channel, Jehu Garcia of the Jehu Garcia Energy Podcast, and Prof. Jack Brouwer of the National Fuel Cell Research Center join Edwin to probe the possibilities.

Special Event: Edwin Black at The Israel Group on Combating BDS

Special Event: Edwin Black on Combating BDS for The Israel Group

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 4 |

BDS: why it is antisemitic, how to confront it, and how to defeat it. The Israel Group hosts a national presentation by Edwin Black.

EB Show S02 E09: Are Campuses Havens for Antisemitism?

Are Campuses Havens for Antisemitism?

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 9 |

UC Irvine’s student government organization recently passed an anti-Israel boycott resolution, complete with BDS agitators peppering the debate with offensive comments—an all-too-common experience for Jewish students today. Pro-Israel students at Tufts have been subjected to unprecedented harassment. Anti-Israel resolutions have no effect on university policy. What is their purpose other than to harass and marginalize Jewish students? What can be done about them? UCLA Professor and Daniel Pearl Foundation Cofounder Judea Pearl, UCI Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Douglas Haynes, Louis D. Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin, and Jewish on Campus founder Julia Jassey join Edwin to explore.

EB Show S02 E08: Answering Unanswered Questions

Answering Unanswered Questions

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 8 |

During almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We have saved them, and this episode gives us a chance to at last answer them. Edwin will also be accepting questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

The ICC v Israel

The ICC vs. Israel

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 7 |

The International Criminal Court is taking action against Israel for defending itself against Hamas terror. Is the ICC an authentic court? Who recognizes it? What’s behind the ICC investigation?

Distinguished international jurist Avi Bell, International Legal Forum Director Yifa Segal, and UK Lawyers for Israel Chief Executive Jonathan Turner join Edwin to make the case.

S2 E06: 20th Anniversary of IBM and the Holocaust

20th Anniversary of IBM and the Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 6 |

Twenty years ago this week, IBM and the Holocaust exposed with crystal clarity—backed up with a literal tower of physical documentation—that IBM knowingly organized all six phases of the Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. All of this was done under the micromanagement of its celebrated CEO, Thomas Watson, Sr., operating from his New York office on Madison Avenue, and later through European subsidiaries. IBM has never denied a word of the book. Now University of Miami Holocaust scholar Samuel Edelman and JNS Jerusalem bureau chief Alex Traiman join Edwin as he shares the inside story behind the global revelation.

EB Show S02 E05: Green Future?

How Green Is Our Future? Complicated.

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 5 |

Green living and ecopolitics bring us a future full of dreams and nightmares. Wind turbines and electric cars; new nuclear plant designs, hydrogen, alt fuels, geothermal, and ethanol versus natural gas, petroleum, and coal: each has its benefits and drawbacks as well as its advocates and detractors—generally based on money and politics. Fuel Freedom Foundation chairman Yossie Hollander and alt-energy expert Marc J. Rauch join Edwin Black, author of the award-winning Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives.

EB Show S02 E04: Divided Nation III

Divided Nation III

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 4 |

Is talk of a coming “police state” and domestic terrorism overreach warranted? How is China dictating part of our “cancel culture” and the rise of censorship? Is America embarking on an unconstitutional impeachment? Constitutional expert Nathan Lewin, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, Multifront War author and threat analyst Kenneth Abramowitz, political strategist Josh Block, plus noted legal scholar and host of the Dershow on Rumble Alan Dershowitz joined Edwin to discuss what could be next for the “Divided Nation.”

EB Show S02 E03: Divided Nation II

Divided Nation II

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 3 |

Inaugural conflicts, the expanding revenge quest against the Trump half of America, and heightening media agitation continue to split the nation in two. Reacting to the latest developments, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer and political strategist Josh Block joined Edwin to discuss what could be next for the “Divided Nation.”

EB Show S02 E02: Divided Nation

Divided Nation

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 2 |

The need for uniform election laws plus a crush of censorship have ripped the country even more. Constitutional attorney Nathan Lewin, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and political strategist Josh Block joined Edwin to discuss what is tearing this nation apart and what may lay ahead in the turbulent next months of 2021.

EB Show S02 E01: Electoral Chaos II

Post-Election Chaos II

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 1 |

The new year is upon us but Democrats and Republicans are still arguing about who will actually take the presidential oath of office January 20. The Georgia runoffs, the death of journalism, and continuing electoral chaos have everyone confused. JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, and top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer join Edwin to examine the current state of the union.

S1 E39: The Vintage Boys for NYE 2020

The Vintage Boys are Back for New Year's Eve 2020

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 39 |

Jeff Morgan of Covenant Wines, Josh London, Zalmi Unsdorfer, and Sheldon Freilich return for a special New Year’s Eve edition of the show to discuss old and new favorites, the year that was, and the year to come with Edwin.


EB Show S01E38: American Eugenics: Carnegie Apologizes

American Eugenics: Carnegie Apologizes

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 38 |

Eugenics was America’s shameful, decades-long attempt to create a White, blond, and blue-eyed Master Race to dominate all others. More than 67,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized. This pseudo-scientific campaign of fake medicine and pseudo-genetics was exported to-and embraced by-Nazi Germany, where it was implemented as a core tenet of the Holocaust. Public health officials combined with intellectual elites to commit genocide here and abroad. The Carnegie Institution for Science has issued a statement acknowledging and apologizing for its role in eugenicide. Its parent, the Carnegie Corporation, has issued a similar statement. Both appear to have been posted in August 2020. Edwin Black, author of the bestselling War Against the Weak, drills down.

EB show S1 E37 Judaism and Zionism

Zionism: Central to Judaism, Under Attack

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 37 |

Zionism is central to Judaism. The Jewish peoples’ theology, history, and culture are irrevocably intertwined with the Land of Israel and have been for 3,500 years. But Jews everywhere are under orchestrated attack for their Zionist identities. Worse, many Jews today are ignorant of exactly why Judaism, Zionism, and the physical Land of Israel are so inseparable. Joining Edwin to dissect are Rabbi Yotav Eliach, author of the bestselling Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel, Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt of the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, and Brooke Goldstein, who heads The Lawfare Project and #EndJewHatred.

EB show S1 E36 America’s Second Civil War?

America’s Second Civil War?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 36 |

Two years ago, people would have laughed at those who spoke of a Second Civil War. Today, no one is laughing. More and more people are asking if it is possible and doing so both in public and in private. Numerous unrelated, loosely related, and clearly connected troubles are and will continue to boil over and coalesce. Unlike the War Between the States, we may see a well-armed, and more often street-armed, splotchy civil war that pits tribe against tribe, interest against interest, jurisdiction against jurisdiction, state against state, city against rural, military group against military group, law enforcement against law enforcement, and Red against Blue. What might accelerate it? What can slow it down? Seasoned observers weighed in.

EB show S1 E35 The Death of Journalism As We Knew It

The Death of Journalism As We Knew It

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 35 |

In 2020, American Journalism—as we know it—finally died. It openly committed mediacide. The networks and newspapers pushed specific candidates, ignored and self-censored important news while magnifying small details and fake accusations, consciously pandered in bogus polls, and hyped divisive politics. It was the Pravdaization of the media. Tens of millions Americans, Democrats and Republicans, have just signed the death certificate, voting against big media and their pollsters. Democracy cannot exist without a free and vibrant press functioning as the permeable membrane between the governed and governance. What’s next? Seasoned media hands weigh in.

EB Show S1 E34 Post-Election Chaos—Now What?

Post-Election Chaos—Now What?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 34 |

Election Night has come and gone—finally. But who will take the presidential oath of office next January 20th? Civil rights litigator Nathan Lewin, top foreign policy expert Walid Phares, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz join Edwin to examine the current state of the electoral process.

EB Show special event: Multifront War Launch. Includes photos of Kenneth Abramowitz and Edwin Black, and details about the event.

Special Event: Book Launch for The Multifront War

Air Date: - Season 0 - Episode 3 |

Edwin Black hosts author Kenneth Abramowitz plus Rabbi Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council, United Arab Emirates; Alex Traiman, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief; Sarah Stern, EMET; Zalmi Unsdorfer, Likud UK; Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, American Center for Democracy; Rabbi Yotav Eliach, author of Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel; and Martin Barillas, author of Shaken Earth for a special virtual launch event for his just-released book  The Multifront War, which was praised as “stunning and incisive” by Jeanine Pirro.

EB Show S1 E33: Election Jitters

Election Jitters

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 33 |

America’s 2020 presidential election caused unprecedented jitters. Tens of thousands of mail ballots were erroneously issued or went astray. Both Trump and Biden said they would only accept the results if the election “is not rigged.” Revelations of undenied emails implicating Biden in a robust Chinese kick-back scheme—with Twitter and major media censoring the information—threw the campaigns into last-minute chaos. Political street violence broke out. Variations in mail-in deadlines among the states and ballot discrepancies guaranteed that election night would become weeks of uncertainty, claims, and counterclaims. Seasoned political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz joined Edwin to examine the last-minute controversies and consequences.

EB Show S1 E32: Election Chaos III

Electoral Chaos, Part III

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 32 |

America’s upcoming November 3 election has been thrown into even greater and more unprecedented chaos. Ballot fraud in various states, and massive errors in mail-in voting programs, as well as disparate counting and validating procedures guarantee election night chaos. Republican party litigation to reshape voting procedures and Donald Trump’s unwillingness to state whether or not he will accept the electoral outcome, Democratic vows to not under any circumstances concede on election night, and statements from all sides that either candidate can only lose if the vote is rigged: all of this assures conflict right through Inauguration Day. Violence and militia plans in some states, such as Michigan, Oregon, and Virginia, have threatened to push us to the brink. Seasoned political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, threat analyst and author Ken Abramowitz, and other experts join Edwin to examine the controversies and consequences. 

EB Show S1 E31: The Multifront War Launch

Book Launch for The Multifront War

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 31 |

America is fighting a major international war, says threat analyst Kenneth Abramowitz in his new and critically acclaimed book. The country does not really know how much it is under siege. Moreover, says the author, the war is being waged on a multitude of distinct fronts—both internal and external. Yet, the United States is wholly unprepared to fight a unified battle. How bad are the threats? Can America stand up to them? Author Abramowitz, top security analyst Walid Phares, and international terrorism expert Erick Stakelbeck join Edwin to drill in. 

EB Show S1 E30: Electoral Chaos II

Electoral Chaos, Part II

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 30 |

America’s upcoming November 3 election has been thrown into unprecedented chaos. The president has tested positive for COVID-19. Mail-in votes are now only guaranteed to be counted days after election night. Questions about mass mail voting, violence in our cities, Republican party allegations of fraud, Democratic party accusations of suppression, plus the assertion that neither candidate should under any circumstances concede on election night guarantee uncertainty, chaos, and conflict right through the final tally of election results and probably through Inauguration Day. There is even open talk of a military confrontation at the White House. Noted legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, seasoned political strategist Josh Block, crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and other experts join Edwin to examine the controversies and consequences.

EB Show S1 E29: The SCOTUS Storm

The SCOTUS Storm: What's Next?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 29 |

“The SCOTUS Storm: What’s Next?" With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the future of the SCOTUS has ignited an intense political firestorm. Among the issues at stake are the conservative–liberal balance of the court and which president will appoint Ginsberg’s successor. Will it be President Trump in the last weeks of his current term, or the winner of the November election? Several nation-changing cases are already on the court’s fall docket. More importantly, the already-contested upcoming presidential election will almost certainly require the court to weigh in. SCOTUSblog author Adam Feldman and ABA Journal SCOTUS reporter Mark Walsh join Edwin to navigate the turbulence.

EB Show S1 E28: Ask Edwin Anything about Israel

Ask Edwin Anything about Israel

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 28 |

The Middle East is realigning once again, and Israel is part of the New Mideast Order. Edwin Black, having published 11 bestselling books and numerous investigative articles covering the Middle East, is ready to answer your questions with straight talk and uncovered history. Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Gulf States, Muslim-majority nations, terror groups, petropolitics, and the shifting sands; the history, the histrionics, the historical changes, the geopolitics, and the tectonic potential—all are fair game for this memorable session cosponsored by ZOA-MI, whose president, Sheldon Freilich, asks Edwin questions from people around the world.

EB Show S1 E27: UAE-Israel-Bahrain Peace Treaty

UAE-Israel-Bahrain Peace Treaty

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 27 |

Israel and the UAE announced on August 13 that they had come to an historic peace agreement, the Abraham Accord. Since then, the Gulf State of Bahrain has joined the expanding the peace initiative. All three nations have established full diplomatic relations and signed treaties on September 15 at the White House. More countries are readying their recognitions, and President Donald Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. 

Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who personally visited Bahrain, Jonathan Tobin, editor-in-chief of JNSZalmi Unsdorfer, chairman of Likud UK, Joshua London of JINSAMordechai Kedar, Arab scholar and lecturer, and other key Mideast experts join Edwin to explain the background and to explore the possibilities for the future.

EB Show S1 E26: US Election Chaos

Electoral Chaos

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 26 |

“US Election Chaos.” America’s upcoming November 3 election has been thrown into unprecedented chaos by COVID-19, political warfare, massive distrust, and a flurry of accusations from all sides. Questions about mass mail voting, postal interference, violence in our cities, Republican allegations of fraud, and the Democratic Party’s assertion that their candidate should under no circumstances concede on election night mean uncertainty, chaos, and conflict right through the final tally of election results. Famed litigator Alan Dershowitz, constitutional law expert Nathan Lewin, who has appeared before the SCOTUS 28 times, high-profile crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and Professor Jordan Carr Peterson of the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University join Edwin to examine the controversies and consequences.

EB Show S1 E25: Lebanon in Turmoil

Lebanon in Turmoil

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 25 |

“Lebanon in Turmoil.” Lebanon has been wracked by civil war, Syrian occupation, Iranian intervention, wars with Israel, terrorism, political assassinations, and bankruptcy. Then, on August 4, 2020, the devastating detonation of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate at the port ignited a new implosion–explosion among a restive population that still holds unlimited promise—if peace and stability can be achieved. Joseph Gebeily, president of the Lebanese Information CenterJohn Hajjar, national director of the World Council for the Cedars RevolutionTom Harb, chair of the American Maronite Union, and other experts join Edwin to dig into the details.

S1 E24: Hungary Beyond the Holocaust

Hungary Beyond the Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 24 |

Hungary, which closely collaborated with the Nazis during the Holocaust, has a long and established legacy of virulent antisemitism. Some 435,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz for gassing. Hungary remains a society permeated with a toxic hatred of Jews. But ironically, Hungary is today among Israel’s closest allies in the European Parliament. Alex Sternberg, author of Recipes from AuschwitzAndras Simonyi, former Hungarian ambassador to the US, and Eva Balogh of Hungarian Spectrum, join Edwin to probe Hungary’s past, present, and future.

EB Show S1 E23: Explosion of Antisemitism

Explosion of Antisemitism

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 23 |

Openly antisemitic speech, damage to Jewish property, campus hate, and violence against Jews have been exploding across America. Prominent and chic figures have libeled Jews and the pro-Israel community with impunity, openly citing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and virulent antisemite Louis Farrakhan. Jews are stigmatized daily without consequence. Just how bad is the threat to the Jewish community? Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, in Washington, DC, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice-chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, join Edwin to explore in a turning-point episode jointly sponsored by JNS.

EB Show S1 E22: Eugenics in America

Eugenics in America

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 22 |

Eugenics was America’s shameful, decades–long attempt to create a White, blond, and blue-eyed Master Race to dominate all others. More than 67,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized. This pseudo-scientific campaign of fake medicine and genetics was exported to—and embraced by—Nazi Germany, where it was implemented as a core tenet of the Holocaust. Public health officials combined with intellectual elites to commit genocide here and abroad. Edwin Black, author of the award-winning bestseller War Against the Weak, is joined by Amy Carney, editor at H-Eugenics and author of Marriage and Fatherhood in the Nazi SS, John Railey, investigative reporter and co-author of the Against their Will series, and eugenics program survivor Elaine Riddick, in a special event jointly sponsored by the global academic exchange H-Eugenics.

EB Show S1 E21: Supreme Court—What's Ahead

Supreme Court—What's Ahead

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 21 |

The Supreme Court has now become a subject of focus not only for its weighty and tectonic decisions, but for its very make-up and fabric. What is ahead for the Court’s decisions, and for the Court itself? Renowned Supreme Court practitioner Nathan Lewin, who has appeared some 28 times, ABA Journal SCOTUS reporter Mark Walsh, SCOTUSblog author Adam Feldman, and others join Edwin for a deep delve into the Supreme Court as it is and as it may become.

EB Show S1 E20: The Threat from Iran

The Threat from Iran

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 20 |

Iran now presents a greater nuclear threat than ever, with enriched weapons-grade uranium, an arsenal of missiles, and the determination destroy Israel first and then wage war against and conquer the West and its allies. Veteran national security analyst Walid Phares, author of The Lost Spring, join Edwin to assess the threat and explore efforts by Israel and the West to stop the rogue regime.

EB Show S1 E19: IBM and the Holocaust AMA

Ask Edwin Anything: IBM and the Holocaust

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 19 |

In his New York Times bestselling investigative book, Edwin Black documented how IBM knowingly organized all six phases of Hitler’s Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation—and even extermination. Available in many languages in 190 countries, the exhaustive Pulitzer-submitted work has won awards and acclaim here and abroad. Edwin answered many of your questions in this topic-specific AMA.

EB Show S1 E18: Whiskey and Wine

The Vintage Boys Gather

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 18 |

The word “whiskey” (derived from the Gaelic uisce beatha) means “water of life.” The word “wine” comes to English from the Latin vinum and the Hebrew yayin. Stalwart whiskey and wine aficionados Zalmi Unsdorfer in London, Josh London in Washington DC, Sheldon Freilich in Detroit, and Covenant Wines vintner Jeff Morgan in San Francisco join Edwin to battle it out with their favorites for taste satisfaction and supremacy—and then delve into current events.

EB Show S1 E17: Tarnished Icons

Tarnished Icons

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 17 |

Woodrow Wilson, Confederate generals, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Thomas Watson, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson. Institutional names and national legacies everywhere are being challenged and, in some cases, abandoned. Who deserves to be cancelled? Which statues should stay and which should go—and where? Who decides—and how? Edwin tackles these questions and more in what is the first of several unforgettable episodes on this topic.

EB Show S1 E16: Ask Edwin Anything #1

Ask Edwin Anything #1

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 16 |

Genocide, political strife, corporate complicity in injustice, alternate energy, the dark side of history, the torments of our present, the prospects for our future. Questions on these topics—and more—come to Edwin every day, especially during his lectures. By popular demand, we present Edwin’s first AMA (ask me anything) episode. Chris Hamel, from the show’s Canadian Bureau, and Francisco Gil-White, associate professor at ITAM University, in Mexico City, asks Edwin your questions.

EB Show S1 E15: Israel Tourism Rebound?

Israel Tourism Rebound?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 15 |

“Israel Tourism Rebound?” Until COVID-19, Israel’s tourism industry was on fire, with more than 4 million annual visitors—and growing rapidly. Then it all shut down: airlines, hotels, restaurants, attractions—everything. Now, with the country still trying to reopen, industry leaders are confident they can reignite the flame. Dan Hotels president and CEO Ronen NissenbaumHilton Tel Aviv GM Ronnie Fortis, renowned chef Uri Jeremias, and other industry leaders join Edwin to explore what’s in store.

S1 E14: Juneteenth


Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 14 |

Juneteenth.” Many Americans have never heard of Juneteenth—June 19th, a holiday of special significance to Americans of African Descent. Sometimes called the Black Fourth of July, its story should be compelling to all citizens of the US—not just to those who descend from former slaves. What is Juneteenth? How does this day affect all Americans in ways they might not imagine? Civil rights icon Dr. William Anderson, political commentator and entrepreneur Armstrong Williams, BET co-founder and philanthropist Robert Johnson, and entrepreneur and educator Dr. Iva Carruthers join Edwin for conversations on the history of emancipation and the current state of civil rights in the US.

EB Show S1 E13: Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 13 |

 “Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.” The Edwin Black Show and the Jewish News Syndicate jointly hosted a global town hall on Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. The Jewish State is now preparing to apply its modern sovereignty to portions of its ancient land—Judea and Samaria. Edwin Black and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman  are joined by others worldwide for a special event exploring the historical, legal, political, and economic ramifications of this turning point event, including expert panelists Natasha Hausdorff, director of UK Lawyers for Israel, in London, Alan Mendoza, director of the Henry Jackson Society, in London, Mitch Bard, who heads up the Jewish Virtual Library, in Washington DC, and leading international jurist Avi Bell, in Jerusalem.

EB Show S02 E12: C-19 and College

College during the Pandemic

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 12 |

Colleges and universities—from Harvard to the 23–campus California State system—have announced that their courses will move online in the fall. Will students pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition and costs to sit in their basements and Zoom? Are we about to witness a complete reset of the physical vs. online education system? Can the Ivy League maintain its primacy in a post-pandemic world? Will campus hate merely shift to online harassment? Joining Edwin: historian Asaf Romirowsky, executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East(which has chapters throughout America), and archaeologist and historian Alex Joffe, editor of SPME’s BDS Monitor.

EB Show S1 E11: The Farhud

The Farhud

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 11 |

The Farhud—“violent dispossession”—was a bloody, citywide Arab-Nazi pogrom in Baghdad, June 1–2, 1941. June 1 was proclaimed as International Farhud Day in 2015 by Edwin Black and Jewish leaders at a live global event at UN Headquarters. Rabbi Elie Abadie in New York, co-president of Justice for Jews from Arab CountriesLyn Julius in London, founder of the Association of Jews from the Middle East and North AfricaLily Shor in Tel Aviv, of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center, and others join Edwin to explore the tragic events of those two days and the subsequent escape of major Nazi figures into the leadership and governments of neighboring Arab countries, thus creating the post-War Middle East.

EB Show S1 E10: Palestinian Terrorist Tamimi--Extradite Now

Palestinian Terrorist: Justice Is Due

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 10 |

Palestinian terrorist Ahlam Tamimi helped mastermind the infamous August 9, 2001 Sbarro Pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem. Unrepentant, Tamimi has bragged about her role in this act of terror and mass murder. Arnold Roth’s daughter Malki—a US citizen—was among the victims, and Mr. Roth has sought justice ever since. Arnold Roth and his attorney, Greg Mashberg, as well as Times of Israel editor-in-chief David Horovitz, and EMETpresident Sarah Stern join Edwin to explore new options, including a possible long-overdue invocation of the Jordanian-American Extradition Treaty.

EB Show S01 E09: C-19's Disproportionate Effect on Black Americans

COVID-19 and Americans of African Descent

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 9 |

COVID-19 is inflicting disproportionate illness and death on Americans of African descent. Why? What can America do about it? Civil rights icon and eminent physician William G. Anderson, D.O. and Oliver Brooks, M.D., president of the National Medical Association join Edwin.

EB Show S1 E08: The Pandemic's Effects on Publishing

The Pandemic's Effects on Publishing

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 8 |

Can the publishing business as we know it survive the pandemic and its economic fallout? Authors Martin Barillas, author of Shaken EarthClyde Ford, author of Think Black; and Dwight Harshbarger, author of A Quiet Hero join Edwin to discuss the changing environment.

EB Show S01 E07: 75th Anniversary of the Surrender of the Third Reich

75th Anniversary of Surrender of Third Reich

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 7 |

May 8, 2020 was the 75th anniversary of the Third Reich’s unconditional surrender to the Allies. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean at the Simon Wiesenthal CenterDr. Rick Halperin, Director of SMU’s Embrey Human Rights Center and former Amnesty International board member, and Dr. Chris Lovett, professor of Modern European and Military History at Emporia State University, plus questioners from many nations, join Edwin.

EB Show S01 E06: C-19 Lawsuits

COVID-19 Spawns Lawsuits

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 6 |

COVID-19 has already spawned a pandemic of personal and group litigation against employers, universities, restaurants, and stores—to name a few. Thousands of lawsuits have already been filed in state and federal courts. Certainly, some claims and compensation will have to be adjudicated, but America cannot re-open and thrive under a litigious scourge. Seasoned commercial litigators Bruce Ogron in Chicago and Aaron Eitan Meyer in New York join Edwin to probe the implications.

EB Show S1 E05: Covid and Personal Liberties

COVID-19 and Personal Liberties

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 5 |

Personal liberties may be the greatest victim of COVID-19, as new individual tracking devices and protocols are rushed into place to enforce social distancing. Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, and Sharon Polsky, president of the Privacy and Access Council of Canada, join Edwin to shine a light on this dark new threat.

EB Show S1 E04: Covid Campus Hate

COVID-19 and Campus Hate

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 4 |

COVID-19 has been a boon to campus anti-Semitic hate mongers who demonize Israel. Jacob Baime, executive director of Israel on Campus CoalitionRoz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs, and Asaf Romirowsky, executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, join Edwin to probe how the BDS movement and other anti-Jewish groups have adopted tactics in the new Remote Age—and then took questions.

EB Show S1 E03: Yom Ha'atzmaut

Yom Ha'atzmaut

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 3 |

The observance of Yom Ha'atzmaut—Israeli Independence Day—began at sunset on April 28. Dovid Efune, editor at the Algemeiner, in New York, and Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, in Washington, DC, join Edwin in an explanation and exploration of this milestone—and then opened the floor to questions. Cantorial soloist Rachel Black lead a global singing of “Hatikva” to close the show.

EB Show S1E02: Covid and Faith

COVID-19 and Faith Communities

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 2 |

How will the COVID-19 pandemic change our world—especially in the context of worship communities? Alex Traiman in Jerusalem, managing editor of JNS and Erick Stakelbeck in Washington, DC, host of The Watchman join Edwin for the first of many explorations of this question—and then opened the floor to questions.

EB Show S1E01: Nuremberg-style Tribunal for China?

Nuremberg-style Tribunal for China?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 1 |

Is a Nuremberg-style tribunal needed to determine guilt and consequences if the COVID-19 pandemic indeed arose out of a deliberate Chinese government cover-up? Famed civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin in Washington, DC and Richard Heideman, international jurist specializing in terror cases and author of The Hague Odyssey: Israel’s Struggle for Security on the Front Lines of Terrorism and Her Battle for Justice at the United Nations, also in Washington, DC, join Edwin to explore this issue—and then open the floor to questions.