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Displaying 301 - 305 of 305

  • EB Show S1 E05: Covid and Personal Liberties

    COVID-19 and Personal Liberties

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 5 | Personal liberties may be the greatest victim of COVID-19, as new individual tracking devices and protocols are rushed into place to enforce social distancing. Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, and Sharon Polsky, president of the Privacy and Access Council of Canada, join Edwin to shine a light on this dark new threat.

  • EB Show S1 E04: Covid Campus Hate

    COVID-19 and Campus Hate

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 4 | COVID-19 has been a boon to campus anti-Semitic hate mongers who demonize Israel. Jacob Baime, executive director of Israel on Campus Coalition, Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs, and Asaf Romirowsky, executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, join Edwin to probe how the BDS movement and other anti-Jewish groups have adopted tactics in the new Remote Age—and then took questions.

  • EB Show S1 E03: Yom Ha'atzmaut

    Yom Ha'atzmaut

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 3 | The observance of Yom Ha'atzmaut—Israeli Independence Day—began at sunset on April 28. Dovid Efune, editor at the Algemeiner, in New York, and Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, in Washington, DC, join Edwin in an explanation and exploration of this milestone—and then opened the floor to questions. Cantorial soloist Rachel Black lead a global singing of “Hatikva” to close the show.

  • EB Show S1E02: Covid and Faith

    COVID-19 and Faith Communities

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 2 | How will the COVID-19 pandemic change our world—especially in the context of worship communities? Alex Traiman in Jerusalem, managing editor of JNS and Erick Stakelbeck in Washington, DC, host of The Watchman join Edwin for the first of many explorations of this question—and then opened the floor to questions.
    Show Topics: Erick Stakelbeck

  • EB Show S1E01: Nuremberg-style Tribunal for China?

    Nuremberg-style Tribunal for China?

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 1 | Is a Nuremberg-style tribunal needed to determine guilt and consequences if the COVID-19 pandemic indeed arose out of a deliberate Chinese government cover-up? Famed civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin in Washington, DC and Richard Heideman, international jurist specializing in terror cases and author of The Hague Odyssey: Israel’s Struggle for Security on the Front Lines of Terrorism and Her Battle for Justice at the United Nations, also in Washington, DC, join Edwin to explore this issue—and then open the floor to questions.
    Show Topics: COVID-19, China