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Displaying 271 - 280 of 305

  • EB Show S1 E34 Post-Election Chaos—Now What?

    Post-Election Chaos—Now What?

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 34 | Election Night has come and gone—finally. But who will take the presidential oath of office next January 20th? Civil rights litigator Nathan Lewin, top foreign policy expert Walid Phares, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz join Edwin to examine the current state of the electoral process.

  • EB Show special event: Multifront War Launch. Includes photos of Kenneth Abramowitz and Edwin Black, and details about the event.

    Special Event: Book Launch for The Multifront War

    Air Date: | Edwin Black hosts author Kenneth Abramowitz plus Rabbi Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council, United Arab Emirates; Alex Traiman, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief; Sarah Stern, EMET; Zalmi Unsdorfer, Likud UK; Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, American Center for Democracy; Rabbi Yotav Eliach, author of Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel; and Martin Barillas, author of Shaken Earth for a special virtual launch event for his just-released book  The Multifront War, which was praised as “stunning and incisive” by Jeanine Pirro.
    Show Topics: The Multifront War

  • EB Show S1 E33: Election Jitters

    Election Jitters

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 33 | America’s 2020 presidential election caused unprecedented jitters. Tens of thousands of mail ballots were erroneously issued or went astray. Both Trump and Biden said they would only accept the results if the election “is not rigged.” Revelations of undenied emails implicating Biden in a robust Chinese kick-back scheme—with Twitter and major media censoring the information—threw the campaigns into last-minute chaos. Political street violence broke out. Variations in mail-in deadlines among the states and ballot discrepancies guaranteed that election night would become weeks of uncertainty, claims, and counterclaims. Seasoned political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz joined Edwin to examine the last-minute controversies and consequences.

  • EB Show S1 E32: Election Chaos III

    Electoral Chaos, Part III

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 32 | America’s upcoming November 3 election has been thrown into even greater and more unprecedented chaos. Ballot fraud in various states, and massive errors in mail-in voting programs, as well as disparate counting and validating procedures guarantee election night chaos. Republican party litigation to reshape voting procedures and Donald Trump’s unwillingness to state whether or not he will accept the electoral outcome, Democratic vows to not under any circumstances concede on election night, and statements from all sides that either candidate can only lose if the vote is rigged: all of this assures conflict right through Inauguration Day. Violence and militia plans in some states, such as Michigan, Oregon, and Virginia, have threatened to push us to the brink. Seasoned political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, threat analyst and author Ken Abramowitz, and other experts join Edwin to examine the controversies and consequences. 

  • EB Show S1 E31: The Multifront War Launch

    Book Launch for The Multifront War

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 31 | America is fighting a major international war, says threat analyst Kenneth Abramowitz in his new and critically acclaimed book. The country does not really know how much it is under siege. Moreover, says the author, the war is being waged on a multitude of distinct fronts—both internal and external. Yet, the United States is wholly unprepared to fight a unified battle. How bad are the threats? Can America stand up to them? Author Abramowitz, top security analyst Walid Phares, and international terrorism expert Erick Stakelbeck join Edwin to drill in. 

  • EB Show S1 E30: Electoral Chaos II

    Electoral Chaos, Part II

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 30 | America’s upcoming November 3 election has been thrown into unprecedented chaos. The president has tested positive for COVID-19. Mail-in votes are now only guaranteed to be counted days after election night. Questions about mass mail voting, violence in our cities, Republican party allegations of fraud, Democratic party accusations of suppression, plus the assertion that neither candidate should under any circumstances concede on election night guarantee uncertainty, chaos, and conflict right through the final tally of election results and probably through Inauguration Day. There is even open talk of a military confrontation at the White House. Noted legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, seasoned political strategist Josh Block, crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and other experts join Edwin to examine the controversies and consequences.

  • EB Show S1 E29: The SCOTUS Storm

    The SCOTUS Storm: What's Next?

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 29 | “The SCOTUS Storm: What’s Next?" With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the future of the SCOTUS has ignited an intense political firestorm. Among the issues at stake are the conservative–liberal balance of the court and which president will appoint Ginsberg’s successor. Will it be President Trump in the last weeks of his current term, or the winner of the November election? Several nation-changing cases are already on the court’s fall docket. More importantly, the already-contested upcoming presidential election will almost certainly require the court to weigh in. SCOTUSblog author Adam Feldman and ABA Journal SCOTUS reporter Mark Walsh join Edwin to navigate the turbulence.
    Show Topics: SCOTUS

  • EB Show S1 E28: Ask Edwin Anything about Israel

    Ask Edwin Anything about Israel

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 28 | The Middle East is realigning once again, and Israel is part of the New Mideast Order. Edwin Black, having published 11 bestselling books and numerous investigative articles covering the Middle East, is ready to answer your questions with straight talk and uncovered history. Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Gulf States, Muslim-majority nations, terror groups, petropolitics, and the shifting sands; the history, the histrionics, the historical changes, the geopolitics, and the tectonic potential—all are fair game for this memorable session cosponsored by ZOA-MI, whose president, Sheldon Freilich, asks Edwin questions from people around the world.
    Show Topics: Israel, AMA

  • EB Show S1 E27: UAE-Israel-Bahrain Peace Treaty

    UAE-Israel-Bahrain Peace Treaty

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 27 | Israel and the UAE announced on August 13 that they had come to an historic peace agreement, the Abraham Accord. Since then, the Gulf State of Bahrain has joined the expanding the peace initiative. All three nations have established full diplomatic relations and signed treaties on September 15 at the White House. More countries are readying their recognitions, and President Donald Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.  Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who personally visited Bahrain, Jonathan Tobin, editor-in-chief of JNS, Zalmi Unsdorfer, chairman of Likud UK, Joshua London of JINSA, Mordechai Kedar, Arab scholar and lecturer, and other key Mideast experts join Edwin to explain the background and to explore the possibilities for the future.

  • EB Show S1 E26: US Election Chaos

    Electoral Chaos

    Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 26 | “US Election Chaos.” America’s upcoming November 3 election has been thrown into unprecedented chaos by COVID-19, political warfare, massive distrust, and a flurry of accusations from all sides. Questions about mass mail voting, postal interference, violence in our cities, Republican allegations of fraud, and the Democratic Party’s assertion that their candidate should under no circumstances concede on election night mean uncertainty, chaos, and conflict right through the final tally of election results. Famed litigator Alan Dershowitz, constitutional law expert Nathan Lewin, who has appeared before the SCOTUS 28 times, high-profile crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and Professor Jordan Carr Peterson of the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University join Edwin to examine the controversies and consequences.