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EB Show S02 E02: Divided Nation

Divided Nation

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 2 | The need for uniform election laws plus a crush of censorship have ripped the country even more. Constitutional attorney Nathan Lewin, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and political strategist Josh Block joined Edwin to discuss what is tearing this nation apart and what may lay ahead in the turbulent next months of 2021.
EB Show S02 E01: Electoral Chaos II

Post-Election Chaos II

Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 1 | The new year is upon us but Democrats and Republicans are still arguing about who will actually take the presidential oath of office January 20. The Georgia runoffs, the death of journalism, and continuing electoral chaos have everyone confused. JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, and top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer join Edwin to examine the current state of the union.
S1 E39: The Vintage Boys for NYE 2020

The Vintage Boys are Back for New Year's Eve 2020

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 39 | Jeff Morgan of Covenant Wines, Josh London, Zalmi Unsdorfer, and Sheldon Freilich return for a special New Year’s Eve edition of the show to discuss old and new favorites, the year that was, and the year to come with Edwin.  
EB Show S01E38: American Eugenics: Carnegie Apologizes

American Eugenics: Carnegie Apologizes

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 38 | Eugenics was America’s shameful, decades-long attempt to create a White, blond, and blue-eyed Master Race to dominate all others. More than 67,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized. This pseudo-scientific campaign of fake medicine and pseudo-genetics was exported to-and embraced by-Nazi Germany, where it was implemented as a core tenet of the Holocaust. Public health officials combined with intellectual elites to commit genocide here and abroad. The Carnegie Institution for Science has issued a statement acknowledging and apologizing for its role in eugenicide. Its parent, the Carnegie Corporation, has issued a similar statement. Both appear to have been posted in August 2020.
Show Topics: Eugenics, Carnegie
EB show S1 E37 Judaism and Zionism

Zionism: Central to Judaism, Under Attack

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 37 | Zionism is central to Judaism. The Jewish peoples’ theology, history, and culture are irrevocably intertwined with the Land of Israel and have been for 3,500 years. But Jews everywhere are under orchestrated attack for their Zionist identities. Worse, many Jews today are ignorant of exactly why Judaism, Zionism, and the physical Land of Israel are so inseparable. Joining Edwin to dissect are Rabbi Yotav Eliach, author of the bestselling Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel, Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt of the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, and Brooke Goldstein, who heads The Lawfare Project and #EndJewHatred.
Show Topics: Israel, Zionism
EB show S1 E36 America’s Second Civil War?

America’s Second Civil War?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 36 | Two years ago, people would have laughed at those who spoke of a Second Civil War. Today, no one is laughing. More and more people are asking if it is possible and doing so both in public and in private. Numerous unrelated, loosely related, and clearly connected troubles are and will continue to boil over and coalesce. Unlike the War Between the States, we may see a well-armed, and more often street-armed, splotchy civil war that pits tribe against tribe, interest against interest, jurisdiction against jurisdiction, state against state, city against rural, military group against military group, law enforcement against law enforcement, and Red against Blue. What might accelerate it? What can slow it down? Seasoned observers weighed in.
EB show S1 E35 The Death of Journalism As We Knew It

The Death of Journalism As We Knew It

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 35 | In 2020, American Journalism—as we know it—finally died. It openly committed mediacide. The networks and newspapers pushed specific candidates, ignored and self-censored important news while magnifying small details and fake accusations, consciously pandered in bogus polls, and hyped divisive politics. It was the Pravdaization of the media. Tens of millions Americans, Democrats and Republicans, have just signed the death certificate, voting against big media and their pollsters. Democracy cannot exist without a free and vibrant press functioning as the permeable membrane between the governed and governance. What’s next? Seasoned media hands weigh in.
EB Show S1 E34 Post-Election Chaos—Now What?

Post-Election Chaos—Now What?

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 34 | Election Night has come and gone—finally. But who will take the presidential oath of office next January 20th? Civil rights litigator Nathan Lewin, top foreign policy expert Walid Phares, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz join Edwin to examine the current state of the electoral process.
EB Show special event: Multifront War Launch. Includes photos of Kenneth Abramowitz and Edwin Black, and details about the event.

Special Event: Book Launch for The Multifront War

Air Date: | Edwin Black hosts author Kenneth Abramowitz plus Rabbi Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council, United Arab Emirates; Alex Traiman, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief; Sarah Stern, EMET; Zalmi Unsdorfer, Likud UK; Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, American Center for Democracy; Rabbi Yotav Eliach, author of Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel; and Martin Barillas, author of Shaken Earth for a special virtual launch event for his just-released book  The Multifront War, which was praised as “stunning and incisive” by Jeanine Pirro.
Show Topics: The Multifront War
EB Show S1 E33: Election Jitters

Election Jitters

Air Date: - Season 1 - Episode 33 | America’s 2020 presidential election caused unprecedented jitters. Tens of thousands of mail ballots were erroneously issued or went astray. Both Trump and Biden said they would only accept the results if the election “is not rigged.” Revelations of undenied emails implicating Biden in a robust Chinese kick-back scheme—with Twitter and major media censoring the information—threw the campaigns into last-minute chaos. Political street violence broke out. Variations in mail-in deadlines among the states and ballot discrepancies guaranteed that election night would become weeks of uncertainty, claims, and counterclaims. Seasoned political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz joined Edwin to examine the last-minute controversies and consequences.