Browse Our Episode Archive

Displaying 231 - 240 of 305

  • EB Show S02 E29 Temple Mount

    The Temple Mount: Al-Aqsa or Holy of Holies?

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 29 | Does the Temple Mount hold Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest Islamic shrine … or Judaism’s single most sacred place—the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant once stood? What does history say about it? Why does Jordan control it? Could Saudi Arabia get it? Biblical scholar Rabbi Yotav Eliach joins Edwin to dig into the surprising past and the explosive present.

  • EB Show S02 E28 Ben and Jerry's Boycott

    Ben & Jerry’s Excellent Boycott Backlash

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 28 | When Ben & Jerry’s announced its BDS-allied boycott of Jews in Judea and Samaria and probably all of Israel, it set off a global firestorm of backlash: counterboycotts, legal actions by state authorities, and store shelf removals. The trademark has even been seized in Israel. Famed civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, top lawfare litigator Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, who seized Ben & Jerry’s Israeli trademark, as well as crisis manager Juda Engelmeyer join Edwin.
    Show Topics: BDS, Israel, Antisemitism

  • EB Show S02 E27 General Motors and the Nazis

    General Motors and the Nazis

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 27 | Panzer tanks, Blitz trucks, Ju-88 bombers, torpedoes, land mines, automation, financial help—how America’s most criminal corporation partnered with the Nazis to enable the Reich’s conquest of Europe … and the Holocaust. Automotive historian Marc Rauch joins Edwin.

  • S2 E26: America the Great or the Awful

    America the Great … or the Awful?

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 26 | A vibrant Democracy, slavery, the Civil War, the liberation of Europe, the defeat of Nazism, toppling communism, income inequality, pervasive racism, and the American Dream. Edwin drills down on the history and the perspective in answering: is it America the Great—or America the Awful?
    Show Topics: State of the Nation

  • EB Show S02 E25: Ethnic Cleansing

    Is Israel Ethnic Cleansing?

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 25 | We have heard about Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Soon we shall hear about Silwan. House demolitions and evictions make for evocative video. But what are the facts about the property—and what is the propaganda? International jurists Avi Bell in Jerusalem and Natasha Hausdorff join Edwin to dig into the history, the law, and the reality.
    Show Topics: Israel, Jerusalem

  • EB Show S02 E24: Unaswered Questions II

    Unanswered Questions II

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 24 | Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run through all the questions. We have saved them, and this episode gives us a chance to at last answer them. Edwin will also be accepting questions live via the Zoom Q&A.  Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

  • S2 E23: Inflation

    Runaway Inflation—The New National Threat

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 23 | Inflation is back and threatening to cripple the country. Biden administration spending at unprecedented trillion-dollar levels, as well as Fed policies such as continuous quantitative easing, are creating an economy that some fear could approach double-digit annual inflation. Historically, that means great social unrest and fiscal peril. Threat analyst and investor Kenneth Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War, and noted day trader Steve Emerson join Edwin to drill into the looming impact of the escalating inflation that has suddenly hit America.
    Show Topics: Economy

  • Edwin Black on the 80th Anniversary of the Farhud

    Special Event: Edwin Black on the 80th Anniversary of the Farhud at Congregation Ohav Zedek

    Air Date: | Hundreds of innocent men, women, and children were brutally attacked, their homes and shops burned, in the heinous June 1–2, 1941, Arab-Nazi pogrom in Baghdad. This was the beginning of the end of Iraqi Jewry. Farhud means “violent dispossession.” But could it happen again—even in the US?
    Show Topics: Farhud

  • EB Show S02 E22: War Against the Jews--in America

    The War Against the Jews … in America

    Air Date: - Season 2 - Episode 22 | Almost every hour of every day, another act of violence, public humiliation, group demonization, and institutional bias is inflicted against America’s Jewish community. Fear and isolation is gripping all sectors of Jewry. Some say it has started. Has it? What is starting and what can be done about it? Alyza Lewin, president of the Brandeis Center, and Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs join Edwin.
    Show Topics: Antisemitism

  • Edwin Black @ JHU Bio-Ethics

    Special Event: Edwin Black on American Eugenics at JHU Bio-ethics

    Air Date: | Edwin Black returns to Johns Hopkins University Bio-Ethics for a riveting lecture on American Eugenics based on his bestselling War Against the Weak.
    Show Topics: Eugenics