Browse Our Episode Archive

Displaying 161 - 170 of 305

  • The EB Show S3 E34: Iran Showdown

    Iran’s Nukes: The Coming Showdown

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 34 | Iran is very close to assembling five nuclear weapons for launch. Israel has promised to destroy Iran’s program—and soon. When will the standoff become the showdown, impacting the world forever? Foreign policy expert and Iran watcher Josh Block joins Edwin.

  • EB Show S3 E33: Vintage Boys Rosh Hashanah 2022

    The Vintage Boys Are Back for Rosh Hashanah 2022

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 33 | The Vintage Boys return to help Edwin look back at 5782, look forward to 5783, and (as usual) argue over the best whiskey and wine for the occasion while probing current events and history both recent and ancient. Join Joshua London in D.C., Zalmi Unsdorfer in London, Sheldon Freilich in Detroit, Ken Abramowitz in Palm Beach, and Jeff Morgan in San Francisco—and, BTW, BYOB.

  • EB Show S3 E32: Privacy in Peril

    Privacy in Peril

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 32 | Spying, lying, denying, and the dangers of passive consent are fast eroding all semblance of privacy. Is privacy the key to central control? Privacy expert Sharon Polsky of the Privacy & Access Council of Canada joins Edwin.
    Show Topics: Privacy

  • Remembering 9/11

    On 9/11, We Remember

    Air Date: | We remember where we were. We remember the people. We pause for a moment and we remember.
    Show Topics: 9/11

  • EB Show Labor Day 2022 Hiatus

    The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus This Week

    Air Date: | The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a happy Labor Day. We’ll be back on September 8 with a show in which Edwin does another round of answering unanswered questions. While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “Two Titans with Malcolm Hoenlein” (S2 E32).
    Show Topics: Hiatus

  • EB Show S3 E31: Unanswered Questions VII

    Unanswered Questions VII

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 31 | Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers on topics such as politics, energy, genocide, Ukraine, WWIII, the state of journalism, and many more. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

  • S3 E30 Can We Trust The FBI?

    Can We Trust the FBI?

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 30 | A tough crime-busting legacy mixed with legendary political blackmail, racist subterfuge, and political shenanigans surrounding the fake Trump–Russia case and the Hunter Biden laptop. This forces us to ask the question: Can we trust the FBI?

  • S3 E29: Is America Heading to a Second Civil War? 2022 Update

    Is America Heading to a Second Civil War? 2022 Update

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 29 | A few years ago, people would have laughed at those who spoke of a Second Civil War. Today, no one is laughing. More and more people are asking if it is possible—both in public and in private. Unlike the War Between the States, we might see a well-armed, and more often street-armed, splotchy civil war that pits tribe against tribe, interest against interest, jurisdiction against jurisdiction, state against state, urban against rural, military group against military group, and Red against Blue. What can accelerate it? What can slow it down? Democratic political strategist Josh Block and civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin join Edwin.
    Show Topics: American Society

  • S3 E28: Green Future Reality Check

    A Green Future Reality Check

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 28 | A greener future beckons. But ignorance about the realities abounds. Solar panels reaching their end of life. Utility company shenanigans. Political polarization. Windmill pollution, EV proliferation, ethanol, and hydrogen. Fuel Freedom Foundation Chairman Yossie Hollander and Auto Channel Co-Founder Marc Rauch join Edwin to provide a needed Green Future reality check.
    Show Topics: Energy

  • The EB Show S3 E27 The Arab Slave Trade

    The Arab Slave Trade

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 27 | Millions kidnapped and murdered. A continent plundered. A centuries-long genocide which powered the Industrial Revolution. No accountability. Few know the details; even fewer have calculated the magnitude—or the enormity—of the crime, a crime that continues to this day. Anti-slavery activist Charles Jacobs joins Edwin.
    Show Topics: Slavery