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Displaying 181 - 190 of 305

  • S3 E18: The Tulsa Race Massacre

    The Tulsa Race Massacre

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 18 | Greenwood—the “Black Wall Street”—was a prosperous Black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. White residents formed a mob on May 31, 1921, reacting to rumors of an assault. They murdered their Black neighbors, and looted and destroyed their homes and businesses in a veritable American pogrom. Why was it forgotten until recently? What did it mean for America? Can it happen again—to anyone in this country? Tulsa Historical Society Executive Director Michelle Place and civil rights leader Dr. William G. Anderson join Edwin.
    Show Topics: Pogroms, US History

  • EB Show S3 E17: Free Speech

    How Free Is Free Speech?

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 17 | Biden’s new “Misinformation Governance Board.” Musk and X/Twitter. Bezos and The Washington Post. The legacy media. Hunter’s laptop. The First Amendment. The Harvard Crimson. The limits. The license. The laws. Constitutional attorneys Nathan Lewin and Alan Dershowitz join Edwin—with nothing held back.

  • Special Events: Edwin Black leadership briefings, Los Angeles, May 2022

    Special Events: Edwin Black in Los Angeles

    Air Date: | Edwin Black is visiting greater Los Angeles for leadership briefings May 11–25, 2022. There will not be an Edwin Black Show on Thursday May 12; Edwin will be back on May 19 with an episode that asks—and attempts to answer—How Free Is Free Speech?

  • EB Show S3 E16: Israeli Independence Day/Yom Ha'atzmaut

    Israel Independence Day—Yom Ha'atzmaut 2022/5782

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 16 | The observance of Yom Ha'atzmaut—Israeli Independence Day—began at sunset on May 4/4 Iyyar. Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman, and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman join Edwin to celebrate what the Jewish State has meant to the Jewish people and to all the world. Featuring special greetings from Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum.

  • S3 E15 Yom HaShoah--Can It Happen Again

    The Shoah—Can It Happen Again?

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 15 | On Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Edwin asks: Can it happen again? What would it take—and when? International Holocaust education leader Yossie Hollander, Wiesenthal Center Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper, and civil rights attorney and Holocaust refugee Nathan Lewin join Edwin.

  • EB Show Passover Hiatus 2022

    The Edwin Black Show is on Hiatus for Passover

    Air Date: | The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus on April 21 for Passover. Chag Pesach Sameach! from Edwin, Carol, and Team Black. We’ll be back on April 28 for the somber occasion of Yom HaShoah. While we’re on hiatus, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UAE–Israel–Bahrain Treaty“ (S1 E27).
    Show Topics: Hiatus, Passover

  • EB Show S3 E14: Vintage Boys VI: Passover 2022

    The Vintage Boys Are Back for Passover 2022

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 14 | The Vintage Boys are back for a special Passover edition. We’ll be debating the best whiskey and wine for the holiday as well as the usual holiday topics, while probing current events and history—both recent and ancient. BYOB. Next year in Jerusalem!

  • S3 E13 Identity Theft

    Identity Theft: How Arabs Appropriated Jewish Palestinian Identity

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 13 | For generations, the Arabs of Jewish Palestine denied they had any national identity and that any Palestinian people existed. They rejected the Peel Commission offer of two states. In 1948, the Arabs invaded. Jewish land was stolen—and Arabs voted at the Jericho Conference to be citizens of Jordan. In 1964, with help from the Soviet KGB and escaped Nazis, Arabs expropriated the Palestinian identity. They convinced a world. Middle East historian Mordechai Kedar and Israel historian Rabbi Yotav Eliach join Edwin.
    Show Topics: Israel, Palestinians

  • EB Show S3 E12: WW III Nuke

    WWIII—How It Could Go Nuclear

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 12 | Strategic nuclear weapons are regulated by arms reduction agreements. Tactical nuclear weapons—meant for battlefield use, with yields of “only” 1–100 kT … are not. We are already engaged in WWIII. But the question is: what could trigger the nukes? Geopolitical strategist Josh Block joins Edwin.

  • EB Show S3 E11: We Need a New UN

    We Need a New UN—for Democracies

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 11 | The existing United Nations, controlled by Russia and China, has been a cesspool of hate, inequities, and failures to promote peace. It is time to create a new world body limited to democracies for a new democratic world order committed to peace. NGO Monitor legal advisor Anne Herzberg joins Edwin.