Browse Our Episode Archive

Displaying 141 - 150 of 305

  • EB Show Winter Holidays 2022 Hiatus

    The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week (Dec 22)

    Air Date: | Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone health, prosperity, and joy for the coming year. Please join us on December 29th as we welcome the Vintage Boys back for another informative, illuminating—and celebratory—exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.
    Show Topics: Hiatus

  • S3 E43: Vintage Boys NYE 2022

    The Vintage Boys Are Back for New Year's Eve 2022

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 43 | The Vintage Boys—Ken Abramowitz, Sheldon Freilich, Joshua London, and Jeff Morgan (Zalmi couldn’t make it this time)—are back to help Edwin ring in 2023. We’ll review the high and low points of 2022, share our hopes and goals for 2023, and (as usual) argue over the best wine and whiskey for the occasion while probing current events and history both recent and ancient. BYOB.
    Show Topics: Vintage Boys

  • S3 E42: Sanger, PP, Eugenicide

    Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and Eugenicide in America

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 42 | Her campaign to eliminate “Human Weeds.” Her struggle to help civilization by eliminating 90 percent of humanity. Her appearance before the Klan. Hitler’s praise of her closest colleagues. And how Sanger became a legend and an object of adulation in America.
    Show Topics: Eugenics

  • S3 E41: College – Does It All Need to Change?

    College—Does It All Need to Change?

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 41 | Antisemitism, suppression of free speech, racism, and the final frontier of economic exploitation and privilege. Does it all need to change? Ethics writer Faye Lincoln and former Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Executive Director Samuel Edelman join Edwin to grade academia and issue remedial ideas.

  • S3 E40: Unanswered Questions VIII

    Unanswered Questions VIII

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 40 | Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers on topics such as energy, politics, history, the state of journalism, WWIII, and many more. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

  • EB Show Thanksgiving Hiatus

    The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving

    Air Date: | The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone blessings and abundance on this day set aside for giving thanks. Please rejoin us on December 1st for another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.  
    Show Topics: Hiatus

  • S3 E39: Yom HaGirush 2022/5783

    Yom HaGirush 2022: The Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 39 | Yom HaGirush, November 30, commemorates the coordinated expulsion of Jews from Arab nations. After the 1948 founding of the modern state of Israel, most Arab nations followed the Nazi model of dispossessing and expelling their Jewish populations, planning to overload Israel’s ability to take them in. Some 850,000 men, women, and children were ejected—often with only the clothes on their backs. Many have forgotten. We have not. Mideast scholar Mordechai Kedar and Gulf States Senior Rabbi Elie Abadie join Edwin.

  • S3 E38: Midterms Outcomes

    The 2022 Midterms: What’s Happened? What’s Next?

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 38 | The United States has made its decisions. What’s happened? What’s next? Voices of clarity, including Democratic strategist Josh Block and crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, join Edwin to examine the outcomes.
    Show Topics: Elections

  • Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for Empower U

    Special Event: IBM and the Holocaust for Empower U

    Air Date: | IBM and the Holocaust: The Smoking Gun Documents. Edwin Black reveals the proof that IBM consciously co-planned, organized, and made efficient Hitler's Holocaust. Brought to you by Empower U.

  • S3 E37: The 2022 Midterms II

    The 2022 Midterms: America's Crisis Decision II

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 37 | The United States stands at the political precipice as Democratic and Republican forces, along with their allied mass media, contend, cajole, and combine to confuse. The future of the nation is at stake. Fortunately, voices of clarity, including Democratic strategist Josh Block and crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, join Edwin to cut through the chaos. Part II.
    Show Topics: Elections