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Displaying 171 - 180 of 305

  • EB Show S3 E26: Unanswered Questions VI

    Unanswered Questions VI

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 26 | Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers on topics such as politics, energy, genocide, Ukraine, WWIII, and many more. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for another no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

  • EB Show S3 E25: WWIII: A Nuclear Update

    WWIII: A Nuclear Update

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 25 | Putin’s nuclear rhetoric has become more bellicose. He is now tipping vassal Belorussian ICBMs with nuclear warheads. Iran has provided hundreds of killer drones to Russia in Ukraine. The US and UK are providing increasingly longer-range precision weapons with devastating impact. Britain is preparing to face Russia on the battlefield. Ukrainian forces may one day soon counterattack deep into Russian territory. A new international quad has emerged: China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea—and they all want to see the downfall of the West. How much closer are we to going nuclear? This is the update we never wanted to give on Putin’s war in Europe. Hudson Institute geopolitical analyst Josh Block joins Edwin.
    Show Topics: WW III

  • EB Show July 2022 Hiatus

    The Edwin Black Show is On Hiatus This Week

    Air Date: | The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a happy 4th of July; we’ll be back on July 14 with an episode that examines the time when ophthalmologists teamed up with eugenicists to improve humanity’s eyesight—by urging the sterilization of everyone with less-than-perfect vision.
    Show Topics: Hiatus

  • The EB Show S3 E24: Deadly Vision

    Deadly Vision: When Ophthalmology Teamed Up With Eugenics in America

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 24 | For a time, and with a mad and twisted sense of medicine, ophthalmologists, from the United States to Nazi Germany, believed the best path to better vision for humanity was to eliminate the existence of all those who wore glasses. Based on a seminal chapter in Edwin Black’s prize-winning bestseller War Against the Weak.
    Show Topics: Eugenics

  • Special Event: Edwin Black at JHU Bioethics, July 6, 2022

    Special Event: Edwin Black on Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz at JHU Bioethics

    Air Date: | Eugenics from Long Island to Auschwitz is drawn from Edwin Black’s bestselling and award-winning War Against the Weak. Presented for the Biotechnology Department’s Bioethics Course at Johns Hopkins University.
    Show Topics: Eugenics

  • EB Show S3 E23: American Concentration Camps

    American Concentration Camps … Yes, American

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 23 | The notorious camps of Nazi Germany have been seared into memory. But it was America that innovated the first concentration camps; first during the US Civil War, and then again in WWI and WWII. Andersonville, Heart Mountain, Tule Lake, and Manzanar will live in infamy. Under what circumstances might we see another camp arise in the United States? Historian Chris Lovett joins Edwin for camps history and analysis, and constitutional law expert Nathan Lewin joins Edwin to discuss the end of the B&J's boycott and its associated lawsuit.

  • EB Show S3 E22: Israeli's Occupation: The Making of a Myth

    Israel's Occupation: The Making of a Myth

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 22 | How two ambiguously-worded sentences written in 1899 by murderous regimes have been used and abused to create the fiction of an Israeli occupation of Gaza and the “West Bank”—a fiction which has bamboozled the world for decades. International lawyer Avi Bell joins Edwin.

  • S3 E21 Israel: The Record Corrected

    Israel: The Record Corrected

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 21 | How to answer the fictitious “facts,” false allegations, and fabricated history. Who are the original Palestinians? What is International Law, and how does it affect Israel? Is Israel occupying the West Bank and Gaza? What is the truth about refugees? The Temple Mount is holy to whom? Is Israel an Apartheid State or engaged in Ethnic Cleansing?
    Show Topics: Palestinians, Israel

  • EB Show S3 E20: Unanswered Questions V

    Unanswered Questions V

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 20 | Edwin takes on some unanswered—and still burning—questions. Almost every episode, we run out of time before we run out of questions. We save them, and these episodes give us a chance to at last give answers. Edwin will also accept questions live via the Zoom Q&A. Join us for a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-the-table session.

  • EB Show S3 E19: Farhud Day 2022

    Farhud Day: The Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust

    Air Date: - Season 3 - Episode 19 | On International Farhud Day, Edwin explores the deadly Arab-Nazi alliance that stretched from Paris to Palestine. Conference of Presidents leader Malcolm Hoenlein and HARIF-UK co-founder Lyn Julius join Edwin.