Appears in these episodes:

Edwin Black presents an insider briefing on the war in Gaza, covering topics including genocide, proportionality, the laws of war, civilian vs non-combatant, international justice, and collective punishment.

Edwin presents a lunchtime briefing to USF faculty on the Israel-Hamas War.

On October 7, some 2,000 Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. Atrocities ensued against innocent civilian children, women, and men. Scores were abducted into Gaza.

Israel has promised to utterly destroy Hamas and its infrastructure with an “unprecedented response.”

Are residents of Gaza innocent civilians? Or are they complicit in Hamas’s acts of barbarity?

Foreign policy analyst Josh Block and international legal expert Avi Bell join Edwin; Rachel Ehrenfeld, Juda Engelmayer, Francisco Gil-White, Walid Phares, Sharon Polsky, and Zalmi Unsdorfer provide additional reports from around the world.

How two ambiguously-worded sentences written in 1899 by murderous regimes have been used and abused to create the fiction of an Israeli occupation of Gaza and the “West Bank”—a fiction which has bamboozled the world for decades. International lawyer Avi Bell joins Edwin.

How to answer the fictitious “facts,” false allegations, and fabricated history. Who are the original Palestinians? What is International Law, and how does it affect Israel? Is Israel occupying the West Bank and Gaza? What is the truth about refugees? The Temple Mount is holy to whom? Is Israel an Apartheid State or engaged in Ethnic Cleansing?

For generations, the Arabs of Jewish Palestine denied they had any national identity and that any Palestinian people existed. They rejected the Peel Commission offer of two states. In 1948, the Arabs invaded. Jewish land was stolen—and Arabs voted at the Jericho Conference to be citizens of Jordan. In 1964, with help from the Soviet KGB and escaped Nazis, Arabs expropriated the Palestinian identity. They convinced a world. Middle East historian Mordechai Kedar and Israel historian Rabbi Yotav Eliach join Edwin.

For generations, the Arabs of Jewish Palestine denied any national identity. In 1948, the Arabs invaded. Jewish land was stolen—and Arabs voted to be citizens of Jordan. In 1964, the Arabs expropriated the Jewish Palestinian identity. In the 1990s, the Oslo Accords mapped out a two-state solution. Since then, every peace breakthrough has been rejected by the Arab Palestinians. Is a two-state solution still viable? Middle East historian Mordechai Kedar and Hudson Institute Foreign Policy Fellow Josh Block join Edwin.

The Biden Administration has long been pressuring Israeli officials to abandon Israel's sovereignty over the entire city of Jerusalem. The first step was opening an illegal and illegitimate consulate to the Palestinians in the heart of Jerusalem. The move has outraged many in the Jewish Community worldwide and the Israeli government. They oppose such a move. Can it happen? What will happen? When will it happen? Brandeis Center president Alyza Lewin, international jurist and embassy analyst Marc Zell, and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman join Edwin.

Does the Temple Mount hold Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest Islamic shrine … or Judaism’s single most sacred place—the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant once stood? What does history say about it? Why does Jordan control it? Could Saudi Arabia get it? Biblical scholar Rabbi Yotav Eliach joins Edwin to dig into the surprising past and the explosive present.