On International Farhud Day, Edwin explores the deadly Arab-Nazi alliance that stretched from Paris to Palestine. Conference of Presidents leader Malcolm Hoenlein and HARIF-UK co-founder Lyn Julius join Edwin.

Yom HaGirush, November 30, commemorates the coordinated expulsion of Jews from Arab nations. After the 1948 founding of the modern state of Israel, most Arab nations followed the Nazi model of dispossessing and expelling their Jewish populations, often to overload Israel’s ability to take them in. Some 850,000 were expelled penniless and stateless. Lyn Julius, co-founder of HARIF-UK, and Elie Abadie, senior rabbi of the UAE, join Edwin Black, author of The Farhud and originator of International Farhud Day.

Remember the hundreds who died in Baghdad on June 1, 1941—the beginning of the end of Jewry in Iraq. Can it happen again—in Europe or the United States?

Edwin Black, who originated International Farhud Day and is the New York Times bestselling author of The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust, is joined by Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Lyn Julius of HARIF, Rabbi Elie Abadie, Council of Sages, UAE, and Zalmi Unsdorfer of Likud UK to ask the uncomfortable questions.

The Farhud—“violent dispossession”—was a bloody, citywide Arab-Nazi pogrom in Baghdad, June 1–2, 1941. June 1 was proclaimed as International Farhud Day in 2015 by Edwin Black and Jewish leaders at a live global event at UN Headquarters. Rabbi Elie Abadie in New York, co-president of Justice for Jews from Arab CountriesLyn Julius in London, founder of the Association of Jews from the Middle East and North AfricaLily Shor in Tel Aviv, of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center, and others join Edwin to explore the tragic events of those two days and the subsequent escape of major Nazi figures into the leadership and governments of neighboring Arab countries, thus creating the post-War Middle East.