Appears in these episodes:

We have heard about Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Soon we shall hear about Silwan. House demolitions and evictions make for evocative video. But what are the facts about the property—and what is the propaganda? International jurists Avi Bell in Jerusalem and Natasha Hausdorff join Edwin to dig into the history, the law, and the reality.

Join Edwin for up-to-the-minute military and political reports on the Gaza ceasefire, Israel’s next big military defense system, the looming threat from Iran and possible strike by Israel, plus the synchronized explosion of antisemitic violence by pro-Palestinian mobs in America and organized Jew hatred on campus.

Up-to-the-minute military and political reports plus insider explanations as Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Council of Sages in the UAE chairman Rabbi Elie Abadie, and famed Akko chef and hotelier Uri Jeremias join Edwin.

Taxpayer support for Palestinian terrorist salaries, first promulgated worldwide by Edwin Black's bestselling book Financing the Flames, has just been reinstated. Millions of dollars for murder have been illegally authorized by the Biden administration. Joining Edwin from Ramallah for direct questioning are Qadri Abu Bakr, minister in charge of the Palestinian Prisoner Authority, and Ashraf al-Ajrami, former minister of the Palestinian Prisoner Authority; also featuring Israeli terrorism money tracking expert Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch.

If conflict breaks out between Iran and Israel, Tehran will order Hezbollah to attack, dragging Lebanon into a ferocious—and tragic—war with the Jewish State. Israel has been preparing its next Lebanon battle for years. A combination of rapid new and massively more destructive weapons coordinated by artificial intelligence will make this war 10 times as intense as the last encounter. With Hezbollah embedding thousands of missiles in civilian locations, the fight will probably exceed the “laws of war” and devastate populated areas—which Iran desires. The Lebanese people will suffer most.

Eran Lerman, VP, the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, John Hajjar, US director, World Council for the Cedars Revolution, Steven Emerson, founder of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, and JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman join Edwin to drill into the details.   

The International Criminal Court is taking action against Israel for defending itself against Hamas terror. Is the ICC an authentic court? Who recognizes it? What’s behind the ICC investigation?

Distinguished international jurist Avi Bell, International Legal Forum Director Yifa Segal, and UK Lawyers for Israel Chief Executive Jonathan Turner join Edwin to make the case.

Zionism is central to Judaism. The Jewish peoples’ theology, history, and culture are irrevocably intertwined with the Land of Israel and have been for 3,500 years. But Jews everywhere are under orchestrated attack for their Zionist identities. Worse, many Jews today are ignorant of exactly why Judaism, Zionism, and the physical Land of Israel are so inseparable. Joining Edwin to dissect are Rabbi Yotav Eliach, author of the bestselling Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel, Alyza Lewin, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt of the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, and Brooke Goldstein, who heads The Lawfare Project and #EndJewHatred.

The Middle East is realigning once again, and Israel is part of the New Mideast Order. Edwin Black, having published 11 bestselling books and numerous investigative articles covering the Middle East, is ready to answer your questions with straight talk and uncovered history. Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Gulf States, Muslim-majority nations, terror groups, petropolitics, and the shifting sands; the history, the histrionics, the historical changes, the geopolitics, and the tectonic potential—all are fair game for this memorable session cosponsored by ZOA-MI, whose president, Sheldon Freilich, asks Edwin questions from people around the world.

Palestinian terrorist Ahlam Tamimi helped mastermind the infamous August 9, 2001 Sbarro Pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem. Unrepentant, Tamimi has bragged about her role in this act of terror and mass murder. Arnold Roth’s daughter Malki—a US citizen—was among the victims, and Mr. Roth has sought justice ever since. Arnold Roth and his attorney, Greg Mashberg, as well as Times of Israel editor-in-chief David Horovitz, and EMETpresident Sarah Stern join Edwin to explore new options, including a possible long-overdue invocation of the Jordanian-American Extradition Treaty.