Yossie Hollander

Co-Founder & Chairman, Fuel Freedom Foundation

Appears in these episodes:

Home energy independence: can we get off the grid? Hydrogen, solar, wind, piezoelectric, natural gas, geothermal: all can work—to a degree. But what are the realities to surviving energy blackouts and disasters? Yossie Hollander of the Fuel Freedom Foundation, Marc Rauch of The Auto Channel, Jehu Garcia of the Jehu Garcia Energy Podcast, and Prof. Jack Brouwer of the National Fuel Cell Research Center join Edwin to probe the possibilities.

Green living and ecopolitics bring us a future full of dreams and nightmares. Wind turbines and electric cars; new nuclear plant designs, hydrogen, alt fuels, geothermal, and ethanol versus natural gas, petroleum, and coal: each has its benefits and drawbacks as well as its advocates and detractors—generally based on money and politics. Fuel Freedom Foundation chairman Yossie Hollander and alt-energy expert Marc J. Rauch join Edwin Black, author of the award-winning Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives.