Juda Engelmayer

President, HeraldPR

Appears in these episodes:

On August 16, 2021, 3pm ET, in partnership with Barnes & Noble, attend a special global launch event for the critically acclaimed Values That Shape the World by author Faye Lincoln. On hand to help her launch her ambitious new volume is famed New York Times bestselling Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, esteemed Rabbi Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi in Dubai, and renown crisis manager Juda Engelmayer. Your questions will be taken live.

Powerful. A powerful and detailed grasp of Biblical ethics and how they have shaped—and continue to shape—our world through the ages. This is a book many need right now.
- Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust.

Pathfinding. With tenacious precision, unifies the written word of the Bible and the history of men to create a pathfinding book … which promises to shape the lives of many in this world, now and in the future.
- Martin Barillas, author of Shaken Earth.

Uplifting. At a time when values are being overturned and discarded, Faye Lincoln’s Values That Shape the World provides an uplifting reminder of how we got here, and the teachings we need to grasp to move  forward in peace and strength.
- Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman.

When Ben & Jerry’s announced its BDS-allied boycott of Jews in Judea and Samaria and probably all of Israel, it set off a global firestorm of backlash: counterboycotts, legal actions by state authorities, and store shelf removals. The trademark has even been seized in Israel. Famed civil rights attorney Nathan Lewin, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, top lawfare litigator Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, who seized Ben & Jerry’s Israeli trademark, as well as crisis manager Juda Engelmeyer join Edwin.

Cancel culture, monopoly, censorship, thought control, privacy excesses, electoral interference … can they be stopped? Privacy watchdog Sharon Polsky, crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and political strategist Josh Block join Edwin to examine the issues.

Is talk of a coming “police state” and domestic terrorism overreach warranted? How is China dictating part of our “cancel culture” and the rise of censorship? Is America embarking on an unconstitutional impeachment? Constitutional expert Nathan Lewin, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, Multifront War author and threat analyst Kenneth Abramowitz, political strategist Josh Block, plus noted legal scholar and host of the Dershow on Rumble Alan Dershowitz joined Edwin to discuss what could be next for the “Divided Nation.”

Inaugural conflicts, the expanding revenge quest against the Trump half of America, and heightening media agitation continue to split the nation in two. Reacting to the latest developments, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer and political strategist Josh Block joined Edwin to discuss what could be next for the “Divided Nation.”

The need for uniform election laws plus a crush of censorship have ripped the country even more. Constitutional attorney Nathan Lewin, media-savvy crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and political strategist Josh Block joined Edwin to discuss what is tearing this nation apart and what may lay ahead in the turbulent next months of 2021.

The new year is upon us but Democrats and Republicans are still arguing about who will actually take the presidential oath of office January 20. The Georgia runoffs, the death of journalism, and continuing electoral chaos have everyone confused. JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, and top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer join Edwin to examine the current state of the union.

In 2020, American Journalism—as we know it—finally died. It openly committed mediacide. The networks and newspapers pushed specific candidates, ignored and self-censored important news while magnifying small details and fake accusations, consciously pandered in bogus polls, and hyped divisive politics. It was the Pravdaization of the media. Tens of millions Americans, Democrats and Republicans, have just signed the death certificate, voting against big media and their pollsters. Democracy cannot exist without a free and vibrant press functioning as the permeable membrane between the governed and governance. What’s next? Seasoned media hands weigh in.

Election Night has come and gone—finally. But who will take the presidential oath of office next January 20th? Civil rights litigator Nathan Lewin, top foreign policy expert Walid Phares, JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman, political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz join Edwin to examine the current state of the electoral process.

America’s 2020 presidential election caused unprecedented jitters. Tens of thousands of mail ballots were erroneously issued or went astray. Both Trump and Biden said they would only accept the results if the election “is not rigged.” Revelations of undenied emails implicating Biden in a robust Chinese kick-back scheme—with Twitter and major media censoring the information—threw the campaigns into last-minute chaos. Political street violence broke out. Variations in mail-in deadlines among the states and ballot discrepancies guaranteed that election night would become weeks of uncertainty, claims, and counterclaims. Seasoned political strategist Josh Block, top crisis manager Juda Engelmayer, and threat analyst Ken Abramowitz joined Edwin to examine the last-minute controversies and consequences.