Appears in these episodes:

Happy Shavuot from Edwin, Carol, and Team Black. The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week.

We'll be back on June 1 for our observance of International Farhud Day. While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UN Lie of Israeli Apartheid."

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. We’ll be back on March 9 with a show focusing on the current crime wave.

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a Happy Purim.

While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “Israel's Occupation: The Making of a Myth,” S3 E22.

We are on hiatus this week; we’ll be back on February 9 with an exploration of reparations.

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a Happy Tu BiShvat.

While we’re away, please enjoy this encore presentation of S2 E42, “Are There Any Good Wars?

Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone health, prosperity, and joy for the coming year.

Please join us on December 29th as we welcome the Vintage Boys back for another informative, illuminating—and celebratory—exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus for Thanksgiving. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone blessings and abundance on this day set aside for giving thanks.

Please rejoin us on December 1st for another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.


The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week because Edwin is traveling. We’ll be back on November 3rd for one more look at the 2022 Midterms before they happen.

While Edwin is traveling, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UN Lie of Israeli Apartheid” (S3 E03).

(US citizens, please remember to vote. Central resource for voting info: CanIVote)

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus in observance of Yom Kippur.

G’mar Hatimah Tova!
May you be sealed in the Book of Life!
May you have a meaningful fast

We’ll be back on October 13 with another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a happy Labor Day. We’ll be back on September 8 with a show in which Edwin does another round of answering unanswered questions.

While we're away, please enjoy this encore presentation of “Two Titans with Malcolm Hoenlein” (S2 E32).

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus this week. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black wish everyone a happy 4th of July; we’ll be back on July 14 with an episode that examines the time when ophthalmologists teamed up with eugenicists to improve humanity’s eyesight—by urging the sterilization of everyone with less-than-perfect vision.

The Edwin Black Show is on hiatus on April 21 for Passover. Chag Pesach Sameach! from Edwin, Carol, and Team Black. We’ll be back on April 28 for the somber occasion of Yom HaShoah.

While we’re on hiatus, please enjoy this encore presentation of “The UAE–Israel–Bahrain Treaty“ (S1 E27).