The War Against the Jews … in America

Almost every hour of every day, another act of violence, public humiliation, group demonization, and institutional bias is inflicted against America’s Jewish community. Fear and isolation is gripping all sectors of Jewry. Some say it has started. Has it? What is starting and what can be done about it? Alyza Lewin, president of the Brandeis Center, and Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs join Edwin.

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Show Topics: Antisemitism
Show Notes

Guerilla video maker Ami Horowitz went to Portland State University to openly ask for student contributions to finance Hamas efforts to kill Jewish children. See the video here.

The No Fear rally in Washington DC can be seen here. The key remarks by Alyza Lewin can be seen here.

StandWithUs and Brandeis demand Johns Hopkins take action against vile antisemitic and anti-Israel threats by an errant TA. Read it here.

Backlash and counterboycott against Ben and Jerry's, see the list here