Jeff Schnader

Historical fiction with a fresh perspective: Jeff Schader is the author of The Serpent Papers (2022), a novel set against the 1972 anti-Vietnam War protests at Columbia University. The Serpent Papers was the Independent Authors Network’s 2023 “Grand Prize Winner” and “Outstanding Historical Fiction Winner” and the 2022 Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Awards “Bronze Winner,” and the Richmond Times-Dispatch called it an “authentic, intense tale of coming of age in [the] Vietnam era.” Check our his author website at

Appears in these episodes:

It‘s the ultimate threat to our freedoms. Policy analyst Josh Block and computer forensics expert Bob Zeidman join Edwin for another look at the hazards. (See Part 1.)

In addition, four pro-Israel authors describe the “climate of fear” and censorship related to Zionism at the Authors Guild, and ethics analyst Faye Lincoln assesses the situation.